Supreme court declared separate but equal facilities constitutional
this caused the South to segregate its public schools and made the African American facilities not as nic e
-happened throughout the year -
-happened over a long period of time
-African Americans faced discrimination and prejudice -
Brown v Board of education
Brown sued the state for segregating his daughter in school (Case started) -
Supreme Court made its decision about the Brown v Board of education case
They ruled that separate but equal is unconstitutional, so they ruled in favor of Brown -
Rosa Parks protests on bus
Rosa Parks peacefully refused to get up for a white person and was arrested for it -
schools get integrated in Little Rock, Arkansas
a federal judge ordered integration in schools and new African American students were met by an angry mob of white people -
sit ins
four black college students in North Carolina started sitting at the white section in a store and after about 2 days 85 people joined -
peaceful protests
-happened throughout the year
-in Alabama African Americans started peacefully protesting and were hurt, killed, and treated unfairly by the police when they were doing nothing wrong -
I have a dream speech
in front of the Lincoln memorial a quarter million people listened to dr kings i have a dream speech -
dr kings murder
Dr Martin Luther King Jr. was shot and killed