Emancipation Proclamation
Freed Slaves -
13 Amendment
To put a end to slavery, so they could praticipate in the society. -
15th Amendment
Stated that blacks could vote -
Third Civil Rights Act Was Passed
Passed by congress to white bussiness owners and merchants who would not treat blacks fairly. -
Plessy v. Feguson
US Supreme Court aproved in 1890 Lousiana racially segregated -
Natonial Association for Advancement of Colored People
Founded my a racial group -
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
Stoped Segragation -
Rosa Parks
Refused to give up her seat on the bus, which later led to a bus boycott. -
"Little Rock Nine"
Nine back kids were not able to enter the school because of cops blocking the way on the behave of integration. -
Executive Order 10925
Ban federal goverment hiring on the basic of race -
Death of Four girls
Bomb exploding where many civil right meetings were held. -
Civil Rights Act
A federal law that was against segragation