Jackie Robinson Integrates Major League Baseball 1948
Branch Rickey took a leap and pushed Jackie Robinson into the white major league. Through ups but mostly downs Jackie Robinson dominated the sport pushing so that other blacks could come in and play as well. -
Brown vs Board of Education 1954
After a long battle of getting every Supreme Court member on the same page, the Supreme Court overturns its Plessy ruling and declares that seperate schools for blacks and whites are illegal. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott 1955
Rosa Parks refused to give up a seat in the so called "no mans land" where a black could sit if a white wasnt there. A 15 year old girl did the same earlier but nothing happened. The bus boycotts were organized by NAACP and after a year segregation on buses ends. -
Emimitt Till Murder 1956
A black kid was killed after flirting with a white woman in the south in which the kid was from the north where it would have been different. His picture was in the paper after the murder and his mom held and open casket to show what they had done. This woke up the people in the south of what really was happening. -
Integration of Little Rock High School (Little Rock Nine) 1957
Three years after Brown vs Board nine black students were denied entrance into Little Rock High School. The president had to send military escorts to protect the black students and to make the school allow their entrance. -
Sit-Ins 1960's
The Sit-Ins were organized by CORE. In stores they allowed the blacks to shop but they could not sit down and eat. Which they got everyone lined up and got sitting down they arrested them one after another. -
The Freedom Rides 1961
It was organized by CORE and black and whites would ride in from the north into the south. This made it so that the interstate commerce comission issued regulations prohibiting segregation in bus and train stations nationwide later in 1964. The KKK put a bus on fire and they had to send fed marshals to protect them. -
Integration of Ole Miss 1961
James Maradith was denied and attempted to enroll. This brought up protests and fights. A day after the president sent in federal marshals to protect him. -
March on Washington
Martin Luther King and some of 200,000 visiters attended to listen to "I have A Dream" speech. After the march, Kennedy was assassinated and this did more for the civil rights because Lyndon Johnson used sympathy saying thats what Kennedy wanted. -
The Assassination of Medgar Evers 1963
In Mississippi, after helping register voters, Medgar Evers was shot in the Back getting out of his car at home where his kids saw. The murderer bragged about the murder and wasn't convicted. 30 years later he was tried and convicted. Medgar Evers was the secretary for NAACP. -
16th Street Bombing 1963
This was the third bombing in 11 days which involved the KKK who did it and MLK got involved afterwards. The KKK bombed the church and 4 girls were killed and 14 were injured. This bombing helped pass both Civil Rights Act 1964 and Voting Rights Act 1965. -
Freedom Summer and the Murder of 3 Civil Rights workers (1963)
They were working at a voter registration drive and it was organized by CORE. Low level- blacks cant hardly vote and the KKK killed 3 Civil Rights workers and the KKK members were apart of the sheriffs office so nothing really happened. -
Birmingham Marches 1963
There was Sit-Ins, Marches, and Boycotts and the white/police/fireman attacked with police dogs and fire hoses. This was a turning point because Americans that were sitting on the border said this is not okay. -
Passage of Civil Rights Act of 1964
The Federal Law came that it is illegal to discriminate in education, and in public places based on race, religion, color, and gender. Today this also includes age and disability. This law applies to the people who are engaged in interstate commerce or people who pay tax dollars. -
Selma Marches 1965
Martin Luther King was involved to get blacks to vote and a group walked three days to reach Montgomery and three days later it passed. -
Passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965
This outlawed a test that blacks had before voting and it overcame the state levels. This also allowed the Federal Government to oversee state elections.