1946 – The Election of 1946 and the “3 Governors Controversy”
In December 1946, Eugene Talmadge, the governor-elect of Georgia, died. The state constitution did not specify who would assume the governorship in such a situation. The situation became known as the three governors controversy. Eventually a ruling by the Supreme Court of Georgia settled the matter. -
Brown v. Board of Education
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren delivered the unanimous ruling in the landmark civil rights case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. State-sanctioned segregation of public schools was a violation of the 14th amendment and was therefore unconstitutional.
*Sibley recommended that the state accept the federal decision to desegregate the schools despite the commission's findings. In January of 1961, Governor Vandiver introduced a bill that accepted the Sibley Commission's. -
Stata Flag
The georgia state flag was changed Feb 13 1956 to get back to Georgias confederate roots and heritage -
Forming of the SNCC
The studernt non violent coordinationg committiee helps styudents at school stop fighting/bullying -
Admission of charalayne and hamilton holmes
First 2 african american student to go to university of GA -
Albany movement
the non violent protest that started in Albany GA -
Electiuon of maynard Jackson(mayor of ATL)
This is when maynard jackson was elected -
March on washington
The march advertised over 250,000 people to come to see martin luther kings speech "ihave a dream" -
voting act of 1963
This allowed afircan americans to vote without have a punishment -
Civil Rights act of 1964
This actc prohibited racial descrimination in the work of labor unions and public faclilties.