The Election of 1946 and the 3 Governor Controversy
Talmadge ran for governor and won by using Georgia’s county unit system. Talmadge was getting sick and many people thought he was going to die. Some supported his son be elected governor once he died. He did die and his son took over. The former governor refused and there ended up being 3 governors. -
Brown VS Board of Education
The decision was Segregation laws where unconstitutional. This angered many including Governor Talmadge. The Sibley Commission helped desegregate schools. -
State Flag
The Flag was offensive, because it showed resistance to civil rights. The state motto is Wisdom. Justice, Moderation. -
Formation of SNCC
Four black college students sat and demanded to be served at Woolworth’s lunch counter, but where refused. Eventually the lunch counter was integrated. The SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) was formed. -
Admission of Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes to UGA
These where the first Blacks to attend UGA. They did this to help desegregation. -
Albany Movment
Organization of smaller organizations that where trying to get black rights. Their goal was to end segregation through negotiation. -
March on Washington
This was a political rally for human rights. They marched to protest against blacks not having jobs. It ended up with several violent confrontations. -
I have a Dream Speech
Martin Luther King Jr. gave his I have a dream speech on Wasington D.C.. This speech was the defining moment of American Civil Rights Movement. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
This outlawed discrimination of any kind. Lyndon Johnson signed this. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Prehibits racial disrimination in voting. It was a Legislation. Also signed by Lyndon Johnson. -
Lester Maddox
American politician who served as the 75th governor. Disliked Civil Rights Act. He also is a populist democrat. -
Benjamin Mays
Leader of African American Civil Rights Movement. President of Morehouse College. Helped advance political rights. -
Martin Luther King Jr.
Civil Rights Movement leader. He protested peacefully and admired Gandhi's methods. -
Election of Maynard Jackson
He became mayor of Atlanta. First African American to serve as mayor. -
Andrew Young
Served as a Congressman. He was a friend and supported Martin Luther King Jr..