Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas
Thurgood Marshell was a student who personally felt the impact of public school segregation when he was turned down by universities just because of his skin color, He joined the NAACP legal team that was behind the Brown v. Board case. This case stated that school segregation was against the constitution even in the case of 'seperate but equal'. The success of this case touched many lives because public schooling effected many Americans. -
Montgomery Bus Boycot
Rosa Parks was an African American who sat down in an empty 'white' seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. She refused to give up her seat for a white pasenger and was arrested. This sparked of movement of African Americans picketing and boycotting bus travel to represent their strife for equal rights. Martin Luther King Jr. addressed a group of protesters and became the leader for the continuation of the nonviolent bus boycott. -
Civil Rights Act 1957
Passed by congress and made into a law by President Eisenhower. This established the Civil Rights Commission that had the power to investigate violations of civil rights. It was the first civil rights bill passed by congress since Reconstruction. -
SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commitee)
A granddaughter of enslaved African Americans, Ella Baker, helped young activists to start a new civil rights organization. It's goal was to establish a group of all classes of African Americans to join the defense of white racism and eventually achieve equality. -
Freedom Ride
Civil rights activists began to target interstate transportation because the Supreme Court had just ruled that segregation of interstate buses and waiting rooms was illegal. Two buses traveled from Washigton D.C. to New Orleans; passengers used 'white' restrooms and sat in the front of the bus. This was also a dangerous travel because the buses became targets for white rioters. -
Twenty-Fourth Amendment
Ratified in the states on January 23, 1964
And affected the voting in the US for everyone due to the fact that neither congress or the states could intervien -
March on Washington
Major civil rights groups like the NAACP, SCLC, and SNCC joined many supporters in a large show of civil rights movement support. With over 200,000 attendees, MLK Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech. -
Freedom Summer
This was a publicized campaign to register African Americans to vote in the south. A couple thousand civil rights activists from the north, came to the south to attempt to end the seperation on voting. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
The civil rights act of 1964 was seen as unequal by the African Americans of the United States. and made the African Americans act out, mostly in peaceful ways. But it really made others look at how they treated African Americans and there were some changes eventually mad. -
Nation of Islam
Malcom X led a rally in Harlem and preached to the African Americans that white men were so terrible and had extremist views that differed from MLK, jr. Malcom X was a head minister, but during the rally was shot. -
Voting Rights Act
During the attempt to get the states out of the mix, the murder of voting-rights activists in Philadelphia gained a lot of national attention, and also caused a chian of ats of violence and terrorism. -
Black Pathers
Black Panthers was a black socalist organization in America from 1966-1982. They were mainly involved in the Black Power Movement and United States Politics. They considered black nationalism as "black racism". Their firsst newspaper was first circulated in 1967. -
Kerner Commission
Lindon B. Johnson said “toward two societies, one black, one white — separate and unequal.” The Kerner Commission was formed in July of 1967, and really took a look at what caused urban riots in cities such as Chicago, Newark, Los Angeles and Detroit since 1965. From this they came to a conclusion that black housing and job opprotunities needeed to be improved to maybe help stop the riots. -
Black Power
Black Power was a scilent protest at the Olympics in Mexico. The participants were a part of the SNCC. They aimed at having african-americans becoming equaly as successful as white people during this time. They focused on eliminating segregation much like Medgar Evers during this time.