Civil Rights TIMELINE

  • Brown - vs - Board of Education verdict is handed down

    Brown - vs - Board of Education verdict is handed down
    Brown's child had to walk twice as many miles just to get to her segregated school. He was outraged by that so he went to court wanting unsegregated schools. He won and his child no longer had to walk miles to her school.
  • Rosa Parks is arrested

    Rosa Parks is arrested
    Rosa Parks would not give up her seat on the bus to a white man. She was very resiliant in the fact she would not give up to the White mans power. She was then arrested at the next stop.
  • SCLC is formed

    SCLC is formed
    Southern Christian Leadership Conference was a orginazation that was leading to end discrimination through non violence type ways. Martin Luther was its first president
  • Little Rock Nine able to enter Central High School

    Little Rock Nine able to enter Central High School
    9 students were suppose to be an example to un segregate schools. These kids were admitted to Central High School and were suppose to go to school there ,but were not actually going to school till 3 days later.
  • SNCC is formed

    SNCC is formed
    Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee was a student group created in spite of all the violence, was committed to no using violence to fight segregaton.
  • James Meredith admitted into the University of Mississippi

    James Meredith admitted into the University of Mississippi
    Applied to Ole Miss and was suppose to be admitted , but was running into touble with the governor . Everntually the federal governement butted in to solve the problems.
  • "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" is written by Martin Luther King Jr.

    "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" is written by Martin Luther King Jr.
    Martin Luther King jr. was arrested for doing a sit in . While he was in jail he was writing a letter to his religious leaders to show them he wasn't going to slow down.
  • I Have A Dream Speech

    I Have A Dream Speech
    Final speech givin by Martin Luther King jr. and was spoken after his March on Washington.
  • 24th Amendment is passed

    24th Amendment is passed
    Banned states from giving poll taxes and allowed anyone to vote in federal elections, but did not apply to state elections.
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    SNCC recruited several students from northern colleges and brought them down to train them. All through the summer they would go aound making known the horrors of segregation .
  • Three CORE members disappearing in Mississippi

    Three CORE members disappearing in Mississippi
    Andrew Goodman, James Chaney and Michael Scherner dissapeared never to be seen. They were caught and executed by the KKK. 2 of them were white and 1 was black.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964 is passed

    Civil Rights Act of 1964 is passed
    The Act banned discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Lyndon B Johnson strongly supported this.
  • Malcom X is assassinated

    Malcom X is assassinated
    3 Muslim men killed Malcolm X on the side of the road , he as a radical and a big minister
  • March on Selma

    March on Selma
    Also known as Bloody Sunday, were marches known to be very emotional and would be the rocket to end segregation.
  • Watts Riots

    Watts Riots
    Six day riots that resulted in 34 deaths, 1032 injuries, 3438, and over 40 million in property damage. Were the most damaging ever.
  • Black Panthers are formed

    Black Panthers are formed
    Huey Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Black Panthers and were meant to fight police brutality .
  • Detroit Riots

    Detroit Riots
    Police raid of an unlicensed after-hours bar then known as a blind pig. The governor later had to intevrvene and send miltary to end the riots.
  • Martin Luther King is Assassinated

    Martin Luther King is Assassinated
    Was in Memphis, Tennesse tying some loose ends up and was shot in his hotel. The supposed killer was James Early Ray .