Civil Rights time line

  • Scott vs Sanford

    Scott vs Sanford
    congress had no authortiy to ban slavery in a territory. A slave was considered a peice of property.
  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    Plessy vs Ferguson
    Upheld seperate but equal facilities for white and black people on rail road cars. Adolf Plessy was 7/8's white and 1/8th black, he refused to obey the law and was arrested. He appealed his conviction to the supreme court but it was rejected. The court stated that the law treated both races equally even though they were seperated.
  • Equal voting rights for woman

    Equal voting rights for woman
    The 19th amendment specified that no state may deny anyone the right to vote on the basis of sex. Woman were finally able to vote in every state in the untited states.
  • Brown vs The board of education

    Brown vs The board of education
    The supreme court found that "seperate but equal" did not belong in the public school system because seperate educational facilities were not equal.Black children everywhere now had the right to formally attend all white schools.
  • Cilil Rights act of 1964

    Cilil Rights act of 1964
    Civil Rights act prohibits sexual discrimination in the hiring/firing and compensation of employess. Males and females must now be treated equal at work.
  • Green vs County school board of new kent county

    Green vs County school board of new kent county
    Band a freedom of choice plan for integrating schools. Blacks and whites no longer had the option to attend segregated schools. They had to attend racially mixed schools.
  • Swann vs Charlotte-Mecklenburg board of education

    Swann vs Charlotte-Mecklenburg board of education
    Approved bussing and re drawing district lines as ways of integrating public schools.
  • Civil Rights act of 1972

    Civil Rights act of 1972
    The civil rights act bans sex discrimination in local education programs receiving federal aid. Woman are now treated equally at any school recieving aid.
  • Roe vs Wade

    Roe vs Wade
    State laws against abortion are now unconstitutional. The court case in Texas decided that woman had the decision whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. During the first trimester, a woman has the right to an abortion. During the second trimester, states may regulate abortion but only to protect the moms health. In the third trimester, states may ban abortion.
  • Rostker vs Goldberg

    Rostker vs Goldberg
    The court decides that congress may require men but not woman to register for the draft without violating the due process clause.
  • Lawrence vs Texas

    Lawrence vs Texas
    The Texas court decides to over turn the law that banned sexual contact between persons of the same sex. State law can no longer ban same sex relationships.
  • Gonzales vs Carhart

    Gonzales vs Carhart
    Federal law may ban certain forms of partial-birth abortions.