Civil Rights Project

  • Jim Crow derogatory laws

    Jim Crow derogatory laws
    Alabama literacy test
    Separate schools/rail cars/water fountains/back of the bus
  • Brown V Board

    Brown V Board
    It’s a Supreme Court case that ends segregation
    The vote was unanimous
    Linda Brown who had a two commute to go to black school, where a white school was blocks away
    It is a great decision, however there was a lot of violence after the ruling
  • Emmet Till

    Emmet Till
    14 isyear old boy rom Chicago, visiting Mississippi
    Accused of whistling at a white woman
    Roy Bryan
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks of Montgomery, Alabama
    Rosa refused to move, she was arrested
    Dec 5, a boycott of buses will last 381 days
    Nonviolent protests to start more civil right movements
    Bus boycott
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference
    Started after the bus boycott to organize protest
    MLK was elected president
    Organized protest around the south to coordinate events such as Greensboro sit ins, March on Washington, and Selma
    After MLK’s assasination it declined
    Still exists today
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    Testing brown v board of education decision
    9 students were vetted to underground test
    Airborn 101 escorted students to class
    Following year all public schools closed(1958)
    Aug 29 1959 schools reopened
  • Greensboro 4

    Greensboro 4
    4 college students sat down at a lunch counter at woolworths to be served. They were refused service. Countinued to sit in and others joined, the protest spread to other towns. Forced change
  • Freedom riders

    Freedom riders
    2 week bus trip to the Deep South to deliberately violate Jim Crow laws. It was organized by CORE. The buses were burned and riders beaten by the kkk. Milk becomes a strong leader talking with jfk
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    March on Washington for jobs and freedom was to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans. 250,000 people were in attendance of the Lincoln memorial. Mlk was the last to speak, amdgave his I have a dream speech. 70-80% of marchers were black. It helped to pass the civil rights act of 1964
  • Martin Luther Assasinated

    Martin Luther Assasinated
    Youth group of students remained fiercely independent of MLK and SCLC, generating their own projects and strategies. The two organizations worked side by side throughout the early years of the civil rights movement. This group was the second half of the freedom riders and were part of a march to Selma.