14th amendment
14th amendment made citicens equal under law and entitled to due process. -
jim crow laws
made laws that african americans had to obey and live by for more then a hundred of years -
desegregation of arrm forces
president harry truman desegregated the arm forces through and excutive order after WWII -
desegregation at little rock
little rock central high school was a desegregated school but two days before that national guard forces came. the next day 9 black students were not allowed to enter the school and were force to leave. few days later president eisenhower sent 10,000 national gurads to walk the 9 students to the high school -
in 1960 joseph mcneil was refused to be serve at a lunch counter because of being black. he began doing sit downs with other students until they were serve or the cafe closed. -
march on washington
a huge march to supprt the civil rights movement was made to washington were Martin Luther King jr. mmade his famouse "i have a dream" speech -
freedom riders
college students went around states protesting against discriminations and th elwas of jim crow -
26th amendment
the 26 amendment made voting age 18 due to the protest of kids agianst vietnam saying "were old enought to shoot a gu n but not enough to vote" -
vothing rights act
congress passed another voting act. this time for immigrants. this made state and communities to make ballots in different languages for non-speaking engilsh people -
american disabilities act
prohibited discriminations against people with physical or mental disabilites in these areas. employment, transportations, telephone services, public buildings