Civil Rights Movement Timeline

  • Period: to

    Civil Rights Movement

  • Brown v. Board of Topeka, Kansas

    "Seperate but equal" Schools ruled unconstitutional.
  • Rosa Parks - Montgomery City Bus

    Rosa Parks refuses to move to the back of a Montgomery City bus to allow a white man to have her seat, resulting in her arrest for violating the city's segregation ordinance. The Montgomery bus boycott, organized as a protest of this law, resulted in the legal challenge of the law and a victory for the boycott that lasted over a year. The ordinance was declared unconstitutional. Montgomery's buses were desegregated.
  • Children's Crusade

    A "Children's Crusade" for equality in Birmingham results in the use of fire hoses and police dogs by city police on the demonstrators, may of whom were mere children.
  • 1st Urban Riot

    The first urban riot of the 1960s occurs in Birmingham. Blacks burnt white owned property in response to another bombing.
  • 16th Stree Baptist Church Bombed

    The bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham results in the death of four black girls.
  • I Have A Dream Speech

    200,000 march in Washington and hear the Rev. Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech.
  • Start of Urban Rioting

    Urban racial rioting lasts three years in Los Angeles, Newark, Detroit, and Chicago
  • March from Selma to Montgomery

    Rev. King leads a 5-day, 54-mile march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, for racial equality in the South.
  • Voting Rights Act

    The Voting Rights Act of 1965 forbid the use of literacy tests and other voter tests as prerequisites for voting. It also authorized federal intervention to aid blacks in registering to vote in the South.
  • King is Assassinated

    The assassination of Rev. King in Memphis sets off a wave of rioting in 125 cities in 29 states.
  • End of Urban Rioting

    Urban racial rioting lasts three years in Los Angeles, Newark, Detroit, and Chicago