Civil rights movement James H., Dustin A. P2

  • civil rights committee

    Truman created a committee for civil rights.
  • End of military segregation

    Truman ends segregation in the military
  • law slowly takes effect

    Only 3 school districts begin to de-segregate in the entire south
  • End of segregation in schools

    Supreme court ruled that segregation in public schools is illegal
  • Stronger rules against segregation

    Supreme court demands stronger rules againts segregation in public schools
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat.
  • Bus system Ruling

    Supreme court ruled thet Montgomerys segregated bus system was illegal
  • Little rock nine

    African-American students known as the little rock nine went to attend central high school
  • Elizabeth Eckford was attacked

    Elizabeth eckford went to school by hersefl and was attacked by a mob
  • Period: to

    Schools Close

    Public schools in little rock closed that year
  • African-American Graduate

    Ernest Green becane the first African - American to graduate from central high school
  • Schools reopen

    Schools reopen under court order and begin the slow prosses of integration.