Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
Linda Brown had to walk across a dangerous and long railway to get to school when a all white school was closer. Her father brought it to court stating it was inconvienant and his daughter should be allowed to choose the school. End decision was that separate but equal was unconstitutional. which was not taken well by the town and demands for a repeal were made -
Murder of Emmet Till
A young black boy is murdered after being beaten severely for flirting with a white woman or raping or sexually assaulting no one is quite sure. The jury was all white and the men guilty were left with no charges. His mother wanted an open casket for people to see the horrors and predjuidice that had fallen upon her "baby boy" -
Rosa Parks refuses to move
Rosa parks an activist refuses to give up her seat for a white person and is arrested directly after. she was an inspiration and role model to some people after her like MLK. Portrayed as a tired worker she was actually heavily involved with the Civil rights Movement and made the choice despite the consequences of her bold move willingly -
MLK is named president of MIC
Originally a black minister not even from the area of Montgomery who did not really have any talent in this subject of the civil rights movement Martin Luther King JR new to the movement started as a secretary and was quickly moved to the top also known as chairman of the Montgomery improvement commity -
Supreme Court affirms decision in Browder v. Gayle which found bus segregation unconstitutional.
The supreme court backs up on a choice it made and states that bus segregation is an unconstitutional act after many blacks boycotted buses. over ninety percent claimed they would do this until black bus drivers were hired and a first come first serve law was attached to buses that applied to both black people and white people. -
Supreme Court rejects city and state appeals on its decision. Buses are desegregated in Montgomery.
Supreme court despite city appeals and desires to appeal refuse to take back statement that bus segregation is unconstitutional. and that the boycotters were right and followed requests of said boycotters were taken seriously even though the state may not have followed them any ways. This was one of the rare occasions where the supreme court reppealed on of its all mighty acts. -
Temple bombing in Albany
In the early hours of October 12, 1958, fifty sticks of dynamite exploded in a recessed entranceway at the Hebrew Benevolent Congregation, Atlanta's oldest and most prominent synagogue, also known as "the Temple." The sanctuary suffered minor damage, but other parts of the building were severely damaged. No people were hurt or killed. The blast shook the city's confidence and rattled its composure, causing many to reappraise, however briefly, Atlanta's reputation as "the City Too Busy to Hate" -
New Orleans school integration
Two years after the Brown Vs Board of education case Skelly Wright ordered for schools to desegregate schools. However opposition was very apparent some even closed down schools all together. Many people banded together such as board members and teachers. four students even had to be led in by state marshalls as many people rioted in the town. The less and smarter protestors however simply pulled their students out and enrolled them in a private school instead. -
Albany movement
the first movement to want the desegregation of an entire community, and it resulted in the jailing of more than 1,000 blacks in Albany. Martin Luther King Jr. was drawn into the movement. hundreds of black protesters were arrested in one week. eight months later King left Albany admitting that he had failed to accomplish the movement's goals. Albany was important because of King's involvement and because of the lessons he learned that he would soon apply in Birmingham, Alabama. -
Muhammad Ali changes name from Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali
After his famous fight against the boxer Sonny Liston who he famously KO'ed ALI changed his "slave name" and being a black athlete and a muslim were a deadly combination for the young boxer not only so but he also avoided the draft to. A bold move by the bold man who was a symbol of the civil rights movement.