Civil Rights Movement

  • U.S. Constitution

    • limitation of rights of the african Americans by U.S. Constitution
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    -Civil War
  • Killed Teen

    • afro American teen killed while visiting Mississippi
    • two white men acquitted by an all white jury
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    • Rosa Parks gets arrested
    • Bus boycott starts
  • Martin Luther King

    • different civil rights organizations protest for african American rights
    • atteckes by Law enforcement officials and angry whites
    • many activists killed
  • Desegregation of Schools

    • desegregation of schools (test)
    • nine afro Americans attend all white classes
  • The early Sixties

    • sit in in segregated restaurant by afro American Teens
    • weak attemt from Eisenhower to deal with the voting issue
  • I Have a Dream

    I Have a Dream
    • march in Washington
    • 250 000 activists protest for jobs and freedom
    • Luther's speach: I Have a Dream
  • Kennedy's Assasiantion

    Kennedy's Assasiantion
    • Lyndon B. Johnson becomes President
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    • fair employment, public accomodation
  • Civivl Rights act of 1965

    end of discrimination by law
    - more violent groups demand "black power"