Civil Rights Movement

By Ryan08
  • Jackie Robinson enters Major League Baseball

    Jackie Robinson enters Major League Baseball
    Jackie Robinson was the first African-American to play in Major League Baseball. He was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962.
  • Executive Order 9981 signed by President Truman

    Executive Order 9981 signed by President Truman
    Executive Order 9981 was passed by President Harry S. Truman. This order mandated the desegregation of the US military.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    During this court trial the Supreme Court ruled that segregation in schools was unconstitutional. This even applied if both segregated parts are equal.
  • Emmett Till is Murdered

    Emmett Till is Murdered
    Emmett Till was a fourteen year old boy who was killed because he was accused of offending a white woman. This murder brought national attention to the racial violence that was happening in the United States.
  • Rosa Parks Arrest

    Rosa Parks Arrest
    Rosa Parks was an American activist for the Civil Rights Movement. She was arrested for not giving up her seat to a white person on a bus.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a protest against the segregation of the public transport system in Montgomery, Alabama. This campaign lasted a little over a year until the Supreme Court ruled the segregation of transit system unconstitutional.
  • Little Rock Nine Intervention

    Little Rock Nine Intervention
    In this high school in Little Rock, Arkansas, the school refused to admit African Americans. The president had to send federal troops to protect the students.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957 is passed

    Civil Rights Act of 1957 is passed
    The Civil Rights Act of 1957 was the first federal civil rights law passed since the Civil Rights Act of 1875. The act did authorize the persecution for those who violate the right to vote for other American citizens.
  • Medgar Evers Shooting

    Medgar Evers Shooting
    Medgar Evers was coming home from an NAACP meeting when he was shot in the back while walking into his home. However, more than thirty years later his murderer was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.
  • March on Washington/I Have a Dream Speech

    March on Washington/I Have a Dream Speech
    The March on Washington was a gathering that was supposed to support civil and economic rights of African Americans. I Have a Dream Speech was spoken by Martin Luther King Jr. and it was an inspirational speech for African Americans.
  • 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing

    16th Street Baptist Church Bombing
    On a Sunday morning a bomb went off in 16th Street Baptist Church killing four African American girls and injured many more inside the church. This act was clearly a racially motivated attack on the church.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964 is passed

    Civil Rights Act of 1964 is passed
    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited the discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The act was passed by Lyndon B. Johnson, and it was the biggest civil rights legislation since Reconstruction.
  • Malcolm X is murdered

    Malcolm X is murdered
    Malcolm X was a Civil Rights activist who took a more violent approach on Civil Rights. He was shot multiple times while preparing to make a speech, and he later died of his injuries.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965 is passes

    Voting Rights Act of 1965 is passes
    The Voting Act of 1965 prohibited racial discrimination when voting. This act expanded its protections throughout the years when it was amended five different times.
  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated
    Martin Luther King Jr. was a Civil Rights speaker who was very popular at the time. He was shot by James Earl Ray while standing on his hotel balcony .