Plessy V. Ferguson Court Case
Homer Plessy got on a white only train car one day and wass arrested for it. He went to court saying that because of the 14th admendment they where not equal. The supreame court decided that they where still equal.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-ScixTs9wM -
Women allowed to serve in the military
The suprem court ruled that women are allowed to serve in the armed forces. The court ruled that not leting women in the Amed Forces was unequall, so they ruled that women can join the Armed Forces. -
Armed Services Intigration
The Supreme court passed a law that required the Armed forces to have intigrated units in the Mlitary.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fBv-1lgM9Y -
Medgar Evers
Medgar Evers was a big cilvil rights movment activist during 1952-1963. He was appointed as NAACP state field secritary. He was also a WWII veteran and was assigned to a segrigationd port battaltion, in Great Brittin then later in France. -
Brown V. Board of edjucation
Brown took the board of edjucation to court for the segrigation of schools. The 14th admendment was used to say that segrigation in schools was not equall. The supreme court ruled that segrigatiion was ilegal, then school where intigrated.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTGHLdr-iak -
Death of Emmett Till
Emmett Till goes into a store and flirts with a white girl. when the girls husband gets home he gets 2 guys to kidnapp Till. Then they beet him and shoot him in the head then dump his bodey into a river.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EMQCReGNM4 -
Montgomery bus boycott
Rosa parks gets on a segrigated bus. She is asked to give her seat to a white pearson. When she refuses she gets arrested and the boycott starts. Colored people stop riding the bus. -
Little Rock Nine
Nine students try to go to a once white only school, after integration is a law. Students are told to go away by the national gaurd, later 101st airborne paratroopers arive to help them to school and gaurd them during school. -
Freedome Riders
7 blacks and 6 whites left on a bus to test the court ruling previeisley. They tryed to test the segrigation on buses being ilegal. They where beaten and attacked. Several buses where burnt by others. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zBY6gkpbTg -
Birmingham Campaigne
Blacks protest around Birmingham and protest. They started protesting with sit-ins. They would go to resterants that where white only and would sit down and not move no matter what, and they would ask to be served -
March On Wasington
The march on wasington was a march for blacks jobs, and for civil rights. It was one of the largest pollitical rallies for human rights. People went there to here Dr.King give a speech, and to protest. -
Dr.King I Have A Dream speech
Martin Luther King Jr. gave his I Have A Dream speech. His speech was about equal rights and people not being judged by the color of there skin but by quality of there charictor. The speech became very famous, especialy today.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vDWWy4CMhE -
Selma March
Dr. Martin Luther King JR lead thousands of protesters to the captial of alabama. They started the march at Selma and ended at the capital, Montgomery. It was a 5 day 54 mile march. -
Dr.King's Last speech
Dr.King gave a speech at the masson tempel. The speech was called: "Iv been to the mountintop". The next day he was killed. -
Dr.King's Assasination
Dr.King was assasinated by james earl ray. The day after one of his speeches. He was shot with a remington 760 gamster 30-06 rifle.