Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka
The U.S supreme decided that segregating schools was against the constitution due to the Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka. Then it was decided that it should all be "equal but separate" which allowed the Jim Crow laws to approve of separating public departments. -
Emmit Till
14-year-old Emmit Till was accused of supposedly flirting with a white woman. Later on that day she went home and told her husband who then proceeded to go to his uncle's house and ask for him. He took him and beat him to death, later on after his death, the woman said that she had lied. -
Little Rock Nine
The "Little Rock Nine" began attending Little Rock Central High whos population was made up of all-white students. As they entered the school for the first time were blocked from entering the school by white soldiers. Out of those nine students, eight of them completed their school year after being continuously harassed. -
Youth March for Integrated Schools
This was the first of two youth marches that took place in Washington D.C, there were about a total of 10,000 individuals who came to support. Dr. King was supposed to speak during this march but was still recovering from a recent stabbing which had left him severely hurt. -
William Frantz Elementary School
Six-year-old Ruby Bridges becomes the first student to integrate William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans. She gets escorted into the school by four armed federal marshalls. -
Governer George C. Wallace
Governor of Alabama George C Wallace stands in front of the doorway trying to block two black students from registering at the University of Alabama. He doesn't give up until President John F Kennedy finally sends a Nation Gaurd to the campus. -
Birmingham Church
Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama gets bombed, four young girls are killed and many are injured. The bombing starts to anger many protestants.