Brown vs Board of Educatioin
Black students started to protest that there schools were not equal. Blacks had failing water systems and cracked down buildings. They took it to the supreme court saying it was unconstitutional as the court ruled to make schools equal. -
Rosa Parks Bus Event
Rosa Parks was a black women who refused to give up her bus seat to a white man. The bus driver told her to stand but she refused and was then thrown in jail for refusing to give up her seat. -
Integration of Mississipi Universities
These events were allowing colered people to attend Universities that were previously segregated. -
Little Rock 9
The Little Rock 9 were 9 black students who attented a newky nonsegregated school. First the state and school refused to let them in then the President had to send the military just to protect nine colered students and let them go to school. -
Sit Ins
Sit ins were nonviolent protests were people would sit down in the white person area and not leave until served or be draged out. These happened throughout the 50s and 60s as a way to protest nonviolentally. -
Freedom Rides
Freedom rides wer interstate bus rides into the segregated south. They woul do these as a protest against the US supreme courts decision in the Boynton vs Virginia court case. -
March on Washington
This march was by all civil rigths activists where they lined up on the national mall and Martin Luther KingJr. gave his famous I Have A Dream speech. -
Civil Rights Act
This act banned all kinds o discrimination in the empolyment practices and public accomidations such as bathrooms. -
King Awarded Nobel Prize
King was the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Prize at 35 he won it for being a civil right activist. -
Boycott of New Orleans by American Football Players
AFL players black and white boycotted the Pro Bowl as Blacks were treated unfairly and refused service in many hotles and restraunts. Eventually everyone refused to play until treated fairly and the game wass moved from New Orleans to Houstan.