Rosa Parks
It was a December evening when Rosa Parks boarded the bus, paid her fee and sat in a seat in the blacks only section. Little did she know at the time that she was to be arrested because she didnt move for a white man. Parks was later placed in jail. It was Rosa Parks action to stand up for herself and not be pushed around anymore that led to the Montgomory Bus Boycott -
Montgomory Bus Boycott
The Montgomory Bus Boycott started when Rosa Parks would not give her seat up to a white person . MLKJ organized the Montgomery bus boycott which was when blacks refused to ride any city buses crippling the bus company financially. The Montgomory Bus Boycott led to a supreme court decision that said the alabama and montgomery laws requireing segregated buses was unconstitutional. -
Little Rock Nine
For the first time since Reconstruction the United States federal government uses the military to uphold African Americans civil rights. Soilders escorted 9 African American students to a desegregated school in Little Rock Arkansas. This was important because it gave the African Americans some protection. -
Greensboro Sit-In
When four black students from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College sat down at the whites-only counter at a local Woolworth's and ordered lunch. The clerk refused to serve them but the four men still sat at the counter. The four black students brought their friends and by the end of the week hundreds of black students were waiting patiently at Woolworths. This was a form of boycott that blacks did to segregationist stors such as woolworths until the merchants finally gave in. -
Malcom X
An African American national minister of the Nation of Islam.He became a champion of African American seperatism and black pride. He was against the non-violent civil rights movement. Malcom X's tactics were different than Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. At one point he said that equal rights should be secured "by any means nessisarry" which later he was against. -
Letter from a Birmingham Jail
A famous letter wrote by King in a jail in Birmingham because he was arrested for demonstrating without a city permit. In this letter King responds to 8 white Alabama ministers who urged him to end the protests and just be patient with the process of overturning the segregation but King said that all the blacks have heard is "wait" sxo he was going to take action because they were tired of waiting -
The March on Washington
A political rally consisting of the SCLC, NAACP, SNCC, and CORE to help convince Congress to pass the president's new civil rights bill. More than 200,000 blacks and whites peacefully gathered to listen to MLKJrs "I have a dream speech" in front of the Lincoln Memorial for the March on Washington.MLK's speech outlined the visions of the civil right movement and called for racial equality. -
Civil Rights Act
President Johnson signed a Civil Rights Act. This act outlaws major forms of discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities and women.