Civil Rights in Film

By rypaden
  • To Kill a Mockingbird

    To Kill a Mockingbird
    Released in the midst of the civil rights movement, the film takes a look at equality, prejudice, and the importance of courage under fire. Six-year-old Scout and her 12-year-old brother, Jem, are brought out of an era of innocence when their father Atticus defends a black man in court. The man is Tom Robinson, and he is falsely accused of raping a white woman.
  • Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

    Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
    The movie is about a white woman who is in love with a black physician who she meets in hawaii. She is worried about what her parents and friends will say when the meat John. Although she was brought up as liberal her parents are not to fond of having a black man as a son-in-law.
  • Mississippi Burning

    Mississippi Burning
    The film is a crime-drama that is loosely based on the real-life murders of three civil rights workers. They were followed into a swamp by the KKK and murdered (2white men and a black man). Mississippi Burning really shows what civil rights are all about: having the freedom to pursue the truth, and having the right your life free from persecution.
  • Malcolm X

    Malcolm X
    Born Malcolm Little, X's father was killed by the Ku Klux Klan. The young man grew up to be a gangster, but while in jail discovered the Nation of Islam. Malcolm then re-evaluates his anti-white teachings. However, on December 21, 1965, Malcolm X is assassinated
  • American Histrory X

    American Histrory X
    The movie is about 2 boys. After their father is murdered by a black drug dealer, Derek begins associating within the neo-Nazi movement. One night, two black men break into the truck that Derek's father left him. He goes unhinged, brutally killing both men.
  • Erin Brockovich

    Erin Brockovich
    In this biographical film, Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts) is a single mother of three children. Her life is changed when she leads a legal fight against US West Coast energy corporation Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Not only does the film deal with the civil issue of safety, but it also portrays gender discrimination.
  • I am Sam

     I am Sam
    The movie tells the story of a man with a mental disability who has a daughter. The daughter by age 7 starts to take a turn. She starts holding herself back so that she wouldn't be portrayed as smarter than her father. She is taken away and her father goes on a vendetta and tries to get her back through the court system.
  • King

    The movie shows about Martin Luther King Jr.'s work to give the blacks the rights that they have today. The movie was brought out 27 years after it was made as a television show.
  • Good Night and Good Day

    Good Night and Good Day
    The film portrays actions of the Senator in relation to the anti-Communist movement and the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. In the film, Murrow begins his crusade to bring out the truth when Milo Radulovich is being forced out of the Air Force because of his sister's political ideals, and because his father subscribes to a Serbian newspaper. A public feud starts between McCarthy and Murrow, and McCarthy accuses him of being a communist.
  • Milk

    Milk is a biographical film about the life of gay rights activist and politician Harvey Milk.