Civil rights hoa

  • March on Washington

    MLk delivered his “ I have a dream”speech at this event
  • Little Rock Nine integrates central high school

    President Eisenhower sent federal troops to Little Rock to
  • Rosa parts arrested

    Parks’ arrest triggered the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  • Montgomery bus boycott begins

    The boycott led to the end of segregation on transportation services in
  • Martin Luther’s king jr.assassinated

    James Earl Ray killed MLK at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis
  • Brown V board of education

    : The Supreme Court’s ruling ended segregation of public schools.
  • Congress passed the civil rights act

    This law ended segregation in most public places.
  • James Meredith attended the university of Mississippi

    : He was the first black American to attend the school.
  • Bloody Sunday

    : Civil rights workers were beaten in Selma, AL by police.
  • Freedom rider beaten

    : The Riders were attempting to integrate bus terminals in the South (use the Washington D.C. to New Orleans route for this date)
  • Sit in protests begin

    : Four black college students do the first sit-in in Greensboro, NC
  • 16th street baptist church bombing

    Four girls were killed in Birmingham, AL
  • 24th admendment ratifies

    : This amendment outlawed poll taxes
  • Race riots break out

    After MLk death protestors rioted in Chicago and Detroit