Harvey Milk
He was the first American politician to be elected to public office in California and a seat on the San Fransico board of supervisors. He was also responsible for passing a gay rights ordinance for the city. -
Stonewall Riots: Gay Liberation Front and Gay Activists Alliance founded
The Stonewall Riots were violent riots between the gay community and police
-Police sent a roit-control squad to disperse the crowd
-These riots sparked this tension which created many advocy groups such as Gay Liberation -
Homosexuality is no longer listed as a mental illness by the American Psychiatric
-Viewed homosexuality in terms of pathological models as mental illness
-Many tests could not differentiate between homosexual or heterosexual humans -
Don't ask don't tell
The official United States policy on service by gays and lesbians in the military instituted by Clinton Administration. When the policy went into effect, it lifted a ban on homosexual service that had been instituted during WW2. This policy offically ended on September 20th, 2011 signed by Obama. -
Defense of Marriage Act
The United States federal law that allow states to refuse to recognize same sex marriages granted under the laws of other states. -
Lawrence vs Texas
A decsion made by the United States supreme court, the court struck down the sodomy law in texas and invalidated it in 13 other states. Making same-sex sexual activity legal in every state. -
United States vs Windor
Edith Windsor and Thea Spyer A same sex couple were lawfully married in Ontario. When Spyer died and left her entire estate to Windsor and she went to claim the estate tax for surviving spouses she was not allowed to because the term "spouse" only applied to heterosexual couples according to Defense of Marriage act. In 2010 Windsor filed suit in district seeking a declaration that the DOMA was unconstitutional. It was eventually decided that DOMA was unconsitutional after no one would defend the -
Problems that still exist
Reduced access to medical care
Not able to get married in every state yet
Sexual orientation is not a protected characteristic under current federal civil rights law
Hate crimes - 14% reported to the FBI are against gays. lesbians, bisexuals and/or transgenders -
Marriage in some states, working on getting it in all