Civil rights

  • Brown V. Board of education

    Brown V. Board of education
    Who was involved : her daughter and the father Oliver
    Where did this take place: this took place in Topaka Kansas
    What happened? The school would not let the father’s girl go to school so he was going to sue the school for not being equal to the 14th amendment. The N.A.A.C.P Supreme Court. The court decides 9/0 that the supreme was not equal is wrong whoever many of black students will never go to school with other white kids
  • Emmit Till

    Emmit Till
    On the date of August 28 of 1955 a 14 year old boy Emmit Till was kidnapped and brutally murderd. He was with his cousins when he went into a store to buy some candy. But than Emmit Till whistled at the white women and the white women went to go get a gun because that is against the laws black people can not whistle at white women so they ran away as fast as they could but then two days later her housebound and his twin brother went to his house grabbed Emmit till and killed him (R.I.P)
  • The bus boycott

    The bus boycott
    On 12-1-1955 rosa parks refused to get off the bus and than she got arrested and than she went to jail for 1 night and than she had a cour t fine for $10 for not moving but than Rosa parks and ,art in Luther king jr solved the bus boycott and then after that they both got on the bus together but even after that she still had death threats coming from the whites
  • Southern Christian Ledership Conference

    Southern Christian Ledership Conference
    A netting of black church pastors a cordinal event for black people to cordinate events for the black people. MLK was elected for president. This group used a non-violent strategy. This group also registered a black tousle opposed to listen war in Vietnam.
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    9 students tried to go to a white school in Arkansas but the governor did not like it so he brought the national guard in to stop the 9 students from entering the school but the other guy said no and told the governor to let him in so they let the student in
  • Greensboro Sit ins

    Greensboro Sit ins
    There were 4 black students that went to the Greensboro college but when they went to go get lunch. The lunch counter would not serve the black students so the black students said that they have been served here before but the lunch counter said that they should go before they call the police. They called the police but they could not arrest them because they did not have a reason to. So they protested and they filled the Greensboro college
  • The freedom Riders

    The freedom Riders
    On may,1,1961 in Washington D.C. there was 436 individuals who wanted to join the freedom riders the freedom rider had to face being called names,getting punched and than they had to have enough money for bail but than a bunch of people that surrounded the bus and they were going to slash the tires and than an they burned the busses down and than the crowd started beating them and this had happened to town after town
  • The march in Washington

    The march in Washington
    On august 28,1963 250,000 people marched in Washington D.C. it was peaceful and also respectful protest for jobs and freedom. That’s when MLK gave his I have a dream speech. And that was the last speech that day
  • Civil Rights Act (1964)

    Civil Rights Act (1964)
    On July,2,1964 Lyndon B. Johnson and Martin Luther King Jr. Enabled the federal government to prevent racist discrimination and segregation based on race, color, or national origin in private business or public facilities
  • Malcom X

    Malcom X
    On February 21 on 1965 in Audubon Ballroom Newyork the civil rights leader who was part of the Nation of Islam He wanted black people to believe in themselves and start their own business. He was shot 21 times. Thomas hogan convicted of killing (R.I.P) may he rest in peace Malcom X
  • Selma to Montgomery Marches (Bloody Sunday)

    Selma to Montgomery Marches (Bloody Sunday)
    On March,7,1965 600 people marched in Selma Alabama blacks marched 54 miles to Montgomery but when they made it to the bridge. Edmond bridge troopers bruetelly beat up the blacks up
  • Voting rights of 1965

    Voting rights of 1965
    Ending the right to vote of African American any discrimination in voting. Now a federal matter not a state
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    On April 4, 1968 they were striking workers in protesting Memphis. Went back to the motel. Shot lower right side of his face with a Remington rifle. James Roger is sentenced for 99 years in prison. His death marks the end his civil rights movements. (R.I.P) MLK may he rest in peace