Brown v. Board of Education
Who was involved: Civey Brown - Fother of linda Broun NAACP - lawyer
Where did this take place Kons - gisa South cardina Virgnia, Detoware district
What happened Overplesal V forgoson a-o -
Murder of Emmet Till
Who was involved: Brant 21 years old -Ray Bryont-husband
Wimilian - brother in law
Where did this take place Monty Mississippi What happened Whistled at a white women -
Rosa Parks and the Bus Boycott
Who was involved: Rosa ParkS
Where did this take place mongoners, Aubermon
What happened Parns rejected a bus dinver's urder -
Who wasinoled: Metu gtheodts
Where did this take place Atonta Eurgion
What happened SUc was on ourrahip with the bich, Churches -
Little Rock 9
Who was involved: NAALP - 9 bluck Students Where did this take place little rock arkansas
What happened 9 Atman Amenion Students anved at entral high School
in lithe koch, mronsos. they macle their wou troun
Crouc shutting
stentit e even throwing ol ects. Once the students reached tht Front door the national quarra prevented them Tram Enerng the enou emo -
Ruby Bridges
Who was involved: Ruby Bridges
Where did this take place New Urlfans, Loulsi ana
What happened One of le Black Children to pass a hora tist to gu
White snool
to be the Ony stuetents. escorted by tomoliams, -
Freedom Riders
Who was involved: 436 Individuals on 60 separate ride groups Core, SNI, IANC
Where did this take place Southem States
What happened They were all arrested in Jackson -
Greensboro Sit ins
Who was involved: Ezell Blair, Jr. Franklin Malain , Joseph McNeil, David Richmone
All Students (Afncan American)
Where did this take place Greensboro, Worth Lairolina
Nhat happened more than a thousand trican Americans of all ages and cloisses oilenty marched to downtown treensbors to show their cledication to denieuing racial equality. -
March on Washington
Who was involved: Jomes Farmer, Martin luther King Jo, John lewis, A - Philip Randopn,
Roy wilkins, Lnitney voung
Where did this take place near lincoln Memonial
What happened Martin Luther hing i gives his ") haule a cream speech
It was the last speech ot the clav. -
Civil Rights Act (1964)
Who was involvea: Hubert Humphrey, Everer DirKsen, Emanuel Celler
william Mculoch
Where did this take place white house
What happened signed law by president Pronibited discrimination in public accommodations and lederauly Funded programs. -
Assassination of Malcom X
Who was involved: Norman 3x Butter and thomos sx Johnson
Where did this take place The Auduban Ballroom in Manhattan
What happened A man rushed forward Shot him once in the Chest
With a Sturd - DEE Shotgun and a other men charcged the Stage fining Semi - cuto matic handguns. -
Selma to Montgomery Marches
Who was involved: usses s. Boltmon Sr, Amaia Banton, Ernest Dout ,
Where did this take place muntgomery Habamor
What happened totte troopers and Canty members liotenty attached
the marchers, leaving man de them Injured anci bloodied - and Some of them unconscious. -
Voting Right Acts
Who was involved: Presilent Jonson ,
Where did this take place Selma Alabama
What happened roy the gi to let an enot rins or practices to -
Assassination of MLK
Who was involved: Presilent Jonson ,
Where did this take place Selma Alabama
What happened roy the gi to let an enot rins or practices to