Civil Rights

  • Jim Crow Laws

    Jim Crow Laws
    This is when Jim Crows Laws were enforced and racial segregation grew. This racial segregation stayed up until 1968
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
    President Truman issued an executive order towards civil rights which was a development towards equality.
  • Jackie Robinson in MLB

    Jackie Robinson in MLB
    Jackie Robinson was the first black person to play in MLB. Which was a big stepping stone for black people and Jackie Robinson had to also train not to fight back at the people angry at him as they would only see a black man fighting.
  • Brown v Board

    Brown v Board
    The U.S. Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren ruled a case called the Brown V. Board of Education saying that segregated schools went against the 14th amendment. With saying this he instantly made schools desegregated.
  • Rosa Packs says NO

    Rosa Packs says NO
    One day Rosa Parks a female African American re fused to give up her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery Alabama.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    This was a campaign that started because of Rosa Parks. What she did started a protest against racial segregation in Montgomery buses. This protest ended with the U.S. Supreme Court saying that racial segregation on public buses is unethical.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Little Nine Rock is about these nine Black students integrating into schools as like a protests for civil rights.
  • Sit-ins

    The Sit-ins were part of the Sit-in campaign which created the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee or SNCC. These Sit-ins were about Black students who when in a restaurant and sat in the front counter and asked to be served just like the White people. In these sit-ins the Black students were often beaten, made fun off and mostly took en to jail and they couldn’t do nothing about it.
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    Freedom Riders were a mix of white and African American people who were civil rights activists. These activists would protest against segregated bus terminals by taking bus trips through the south. But one day the bus took a turn into Alabama and was destroyed by the police and KKK
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    This march was a protest against discrimination, civil rights abuses against Latinos, African Americans and other races.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Speech

    Martin Luther King Jr. Speech
    This is a historical event as it is celebrated to this day as Martin Luther King Jr. Day. And this speech was about the discrimination in Washington and other places and in this speech MLK dreams of a world where there is no discrimination and his kids could be and not be judged by their skin and that they were treated equally.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    This was a development towards to help getting rid of segregation as John F. Kennedy proposed this Act to the congress but before it could be done and signed JFK was assassinated.
  • Birmingham Compain

    Birmingham Compain
    MLK and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) partnered up with Birmingham in Alabama. They did this to attack The city’s segregation putting pressure onto Birmingham.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1964

    Voting Rights Act of 1964
    The Voting Rights Act was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson. This Act was nationally televised and addressed by President John F. Kennedy in 1963 and this was an action to get an agreement to desegregate voting and make it equal for African Americans.
  • Selma March

    Selma March
    The Selma March was a series of marches and these marches were a protest where African Americans marched from Selma to Montgomery. These organized marches ended with many African Americans being arrested, extremely injured, and some African Americans died. The march that had some killed is called “Bloody Sunday”.
  • Malcom X assassination

    Malcom X assassination
    The U.S. black nationalist was assassinated right as he was preparing for a speech. His death was and still is a symbol of rage and resistance.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. assassination

    Martin Luther King Jr. assassination
    Although the assassination of MLK was tragic that didn’t stop his dream and segregation was eventually stopped. Even though MLK was assassinated his dream wasn’t. We still celebrate MLK Day to this day in memory to what he did.