Civil Rights Act 1964

By EriGre
  • John F. Kennedy Office

    President Kennedy has been cautious to push ahead with civil rights legislation as a result of his narrow election victory and small working margin in Congress.
  • Message from John F. Kennedy

    President Kennedy sends a Special Message to Congress outlining a plan to deal with racial discrimination.
  • Letter to Congress

    President Kennedy sends a civil rights bill to Congress.
  • John F Kennedy Assassination

    Just five days after John F. Kennedy is assassinated in November 1963, Lyndon B. Johnson goes before Congress and speaks to a nation still stunned from the events in Dallas that have shocked the world.
  • Signing of Civil Rights Act of 1964

    President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the White House.
    Segregation in businesses such as theaters, restaurants, and hotels is outlawed. Discriminatory practices in employment and segregation in public places such as swimming pools, libraries, and public schools are banned.