Civil Rights

  • Executive order signed by President Truman

    Executive order signed by President Truman
    The exuctuive order was signed to make sure that everyone color and race got equal right aross the line.
  • Rosa Parks Arrest

    Rosa Parks Arrest
    Rosa Parks was arrested for not givin gup her seat on the bus to a white person.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    This was a Civil Rights where the African Americans refused to ride the city bus to do discrimination. They also just wanted to make a point that they are no different then the whites.
  • Liitle rock 9 intervention

    Liitle rock 9 intervention
    The Little rock 9 was 9 teenager who where walking out of their home and then stepped up in the act of civil rights. They are called this because they are indentified as the first african American students to desegregate the Litlle rock sentral highschool.
  • Civil rights act of 1957 is passed

    Civil rights act of 1957 is passed
    When the Civil rights Act was passed this to action upon the first occasion since the reconstruction of the federal government which undertook significant legislative action to protect the civil rights.
  • Malcolm X mudered

    Malcolm X mudered
    Malcolm X was murdered byan assassin at a speech at the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan. Malcolm was only 39 years old when he was killed and he left being his wife and 6 daughters.
  • Black Panther Party is formed

    Black Panther Party is formed
    The Black Panther Party was formed by Huey P. Newton and Booby Seale, in which they met in college. It was an organization with ideology of Black nationalism , sociailism, and armed self defense, particulary against police brutality.
  • Dr. Martin Luther King Junior Assassination

    Dr. Martin Luther King Junior Assassination
    Dr. Martin was killed by a single fire shot that had caused severe wounds on the lower right side of Dr. Martins face. This wasnt the sirst time that someone tried to assassinated Dr. Martin but the first time he had surivive. He died at the age of 39.