civil rights

  • Key

    ⯁ Acts of violence
    ⯀ Court cases
    ⯅ protest
    ⬬ Individual achievements
    ⯍ Government bill
  • ⯀ Brown V Board

    court case that over turned the idea of ´separate but equal´
  • ⯁Emmett till´s murder

    Emmett till was a 14 year old boy murdered by a lynch mob.
  • ⯅Montgomery bus boycott

    protest where black individuals refused to ride public Montgomery buses
  • ⯀Cooper V Aaron

    court case that declared state legislation could not undermined Brown V Board
  • ⬬Ruby bridges attends william frantz elementry school

    ruby bridges was the first black child to go to an all white public school
  • ⯁16th street baptist church bombing

    a chapter of the KKK set up a dynamite bomb at a predominantly black church killing 4 children
  • ⯁assassination of Malcolm X

    Malcolm x was shot multiple times while speaking at the Audubon ballroom
  • ⯅Selma to Montgomery marches

    peaceful protest held by Martin Luther King Junior from Selma to Montgomery
  • Fair housing act

    ⯍Bill passed that banned discrimination when it comes to housing based on race, nationality, sex, and religion
  • ⬬Thomas bradley elected mayor

    Thomas Bradley is the first black man elected as mayor of Las Angeles.
  • ⬬Hank Aaron's home run record

    Hank Aaron beats babe ruth´s record of home runs
  • ⬬Andrew Young made ammbassador

    Andrew young was the first black ambassador to the united nations
  • ⯀Regents of the university of California V Bakke

    court case that declared racial quotas as a violation of the 14th amendment