Civil Rights

  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson
    It was the first major meaning of the 14 th amendment, which stated the states from denying "equal protection of the laws" to any person within their jurisdictions. Even though the majority opinion did not have the phrase "seperate but equal", but it gave sanction to laws to achieve racial segegation. It was overturned by the Supreme Court in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)plessy<a
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    civil rights events/people

  • Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

    Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
    Became one of the leading activist organizations. During the 1960's, CORE worked with other civil rights groups, and helped launch: Freedom Rides, aimed at deseprating public facilities. In the begginning CORE went towards non-violent approach to fighting racial segregation.By the latte 1960's , group leadership had shifted its focus toward political ideology of black nationalism and separatism.(CORE)
  • Jackie Robinson

    Jackie Robinson
    He became the first black player in baseball for the major leagues in 1947.He started out proesionall buton a all negro team until was choosed by Branch Rickey president of the Brooklyn Dodgers). He knew that Robinson would have a hard time because some people in his team or people in the crowd would confront him and his family about his race.But Rickey was testing him because despite the racial abuse Robinson did good. jackie robinson
  • Sweatt v Painter

    Sweatt v Painter
    Herman Sweatt was trying to attend Painters university, but Painter wouldnt allow it since he was Negro.The court ruled unanimously that under the Equal Prottection Clause, Sweatt must be admitted to the University. He lasted almost 2 years before dropping out because according to his family it was taken a toll on his health and a failing marriage. He earned a degree from Atlanta University.sweatt v painter
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Brown v Board of Education
    The court inanimously ruled that "seperate but eaqual" for the public scool for blacks and whites are unconstitutional. It was an inspiring case to eduacation to everywhere and forming challenging segregation in ares of society. It opened doors to for eduacation for all students but eduaction achievement and oppurtunity has been failing for minorities.brown v broad
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white man after a hard day so she was arrested and it sparked to American Civil Rights movement. She was arrested and fined and the boycott protested segregating seating and lasted 381 days. Martin Luther King Jr. emerged as a national leader of the Amerincan Civil Rights movement for action.rosa parks
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
    It was established to coordinate the action of local protest groupd throughtout the south led by MLK. It drew power and independence of black churches to support its activities. A spark towards the SCLC was th e Montgomery Bus Boycott. SCLC
  • The Southern Manifesto

    The Southern Manifesto
    Was titled Decalaration of Constitutional Principles. It attcked Brown v Board ad an abuse toward judicial power that trespassed upon states right. Southerners exhaust all "lawful means" to resist choas and coonfusion that would result in school desegregation.southern manifesto
  • Little Rock Central High School

    Little Rock Central High School
    A white mob entered a school and the governor(Faubus) deployed the national guard to prevent black students from entering.Finally On 23 September they finally entered the school. Even though soon after they were rushed home. Fauber tried to send a litter to President Eisenhower saying it was a "strong forthright stand in Little Rock", Eisenhower ordered to protect them. Ernest Green was the first African American to graduate at the High School.Little Rock
  • Greensboro sit-in

    Greensboro sit-in
    A group of African American students sat in a segrgated lunch counter and the servers wouldnt serve them because of there race. It sparked a movement that spread to college towns through out the region. Even though a lot of protesters were arrested, it forced the Woolworth's and other places to change there segregation policies.sit ins
  • Student Nonviolent Leadership Conference (SNCC)

    Student Nonviolent Leadership Conference (SNCC)
    Was formed to give younger blacks a voice for the civil rights movement. Because of the sit in, the SCLC helped set up the SNCC.New president of SNCC, Stokely Carmichal thought that new tactics including black-reliance and to use violence was the answer. Summer 1967, SNCC disbanded shortly thereafter as civil rights movements itself splinterd. SNCC
  • Freedom riders

    Freedom riders
    A group of 13 African American and white civil rights activist launched a series of bus trips though American south to protest segregation. They departed from Washington D.C and attempted to use all whites restrooms and lunch counters and vice versa.In september 1961, Segregation in buses and train stations were prohinited regulations by interstate Commerece Commision.freedom riders
  • James Meredith

    James Meredith
    He became the first African American to enroll at University of Mississippi. He arrived at to register classes and the entrance was blocked. There were riots and General Robert Kennedy sent 500U.S. marshals , also police military, and troops from Mississippi National Guard.james
  • Letter from Birmingham Jail

    Letter from Birmingham Jail
    Was known as a "reproducible account of the long road to freedom in a movement that was largely centered around actions and spoken words." It is now considered a classic work of protest literature. Martin Luther King Jr. was starting a lot of sit-ins and pickets known as Birmingham Campaign. Since he dd that the court said he violated a court injunction and arrested King and other protesters. birmingham jail
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    Martin Luther King

  • Medgar Evers

    Medgar Evers
    He was assassinated outside his Mississipp home.He was a civil rights activist that organized voter-registration, and helped form boycotts.He became the first state field secretary of NAACP.Since he was such a high profile from the NAACP, he was a big target who opposed racial equality and desegration.His murder increased support for the legislation that would become the Civil Rights Act of 1964.Medgar evers
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    More than 200,000 Americans gathered in Washington D.C. for a political rally . It was organized by civil rights and religious groups and was designed to help with political and social challenges African American. It became a moment in the struggle for the civil rights and culmated for MLK's "I Have A Dream" speech. march on washington
  • Bombing of Birmmingham Church

    Bombing of Birmmingham Church
    A bomb went off at 16th Street Baptist Church while a church session was going on. The church is a usual meeting place for civil rights leaders and killed four young girls and many others were injured. After this African American had enough, this was the 11 bombing and there were thousands of angry black protesters gathered at the scene. When the govenor tried to break up the protests,violence happened andothers were killed.bombing of birmingham church
  • Twenty-fourth Amendment

    Twenty-fourth Amendment
    It prohibited from the government to opose the poll taxes which didnt allow african americans to vote. It was proposed by the Congress. 24 amendment
  • Civil Rights Act Passed

    Civil Rights Act Passed
    It ended segregation for public places and banned empolyment discrimination for race,color, religion, sex or nation origin.It was proposed by President Kennedy and survived through strong opposition from southern Congress .Through out the year Congress expanded the act and passed a=other legislations aiming toward equality to African Americans.civil rights act
  • Mississippi Freedom Summer

    Mississippi Freedom Summer
  • Malcolm X assassinated

    Malcolm X assassinated
    He was an African American nationalist and religous leader. he was assassinated by muslims. He uses to be a follower of Islam but switched out after he developed a more spoken philosophy for Elijah Muhammad. He thouhht that Presidents Kennedys matter was a "chicken coming home to roast."malcolm x
  • Selma to Montgomery march

    Selma to Montgomery march
    Martin Luther King and the SCLC wanted to get the focus for blacks to register to vote. They marched and there goal was to get to Mong=tgomery as the world watched them do it. As Martin Luther King participated, it helped raise awareness of difficult faced by black voters in he South. The Voting Rights Act passed the year later.selma
  • Voting Rights Act approved

    Voting Rights Act approved
    It aimed to overcome the legal barriers that prevented African American from the right to vote. Even though the act was passed, it was still hard to control the people in the south wuth a weak enforcement. The turnout from voting increased from six percent to 59 percent in just five rights
  • black panthers

    black panthers
    Was a self-defense minority communities against the U.S. government, and fought to establish revolutionary socialism . black panthers
  • Kings Assassinated

    Kings Assassinated
    It shocked everybody around the world when they found out that MLK was assassinated. HIs tactics like boycotting, sit-ins and protest marches were nonviolent but fought against segrefation. His murder led to uprisings and anger amoung many African Americans. Through all the mouring and anger it sped up the way for an equal housing bill that would be suignificant achievement of the civil rights era.mlk assassinated