The 14th Amendment
The 14th amendment was passed. It stated that everyone should receive equal legal rights and the no matter the race you would be protected by law. It made people realize the problems with segregation and even though it was not followed tight away it slowly became accepted. -
Brown Vs Board Of Education
In 1954 schools were segregated by the color of a childs skin. A man by the last name of Brown had a daughter who was forced to attend colored only schools even though it was much to far away. Brown went to court to fight for equality and was given it. Schools soon began to become unsegregated -
Rosa Parks
In 1955 an active African American protester by the name of Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus to a white man. She was sooner than later arrested for her action. On the day of her hearing the bus boycottś began. -
The Murder Of Emmett Till
A young African American boy was beaten and killed after supposedly whistling at a white woman while inside of a store. The men who killed him went to court but were not sentenced to prison due to the court being all white. His body was put on display for everyone to see in order to show what segregation had done. -
Soldiers Sent To Little Rock
American Troops were sent to the school name Little Rock in Arkansas. It was during the time that schools were becoming desegregated but this among other schools refused to allow in blacks. Troops were sent to safely escort students in and out of the school. Parents were enraged and most students felt uncomfortable with this change. -
The Sit Ins
A group of African Americans started a peaceful way of protest by sitting at a white only lunch counter in order to try and stop segregation. They would sit there until they were forced out but they would never get violent. -
¨I have A Dream" Speech
Martin Luther King gave one of his most famous speeches about equality and Civil Rights. He says that he has a dream that one day his own kids will be able to live in a world where all races live in peace. This is one of his most well known speeches that is taught worldwide in schools. -
Muhammad Ali Changed His Name
A famous activist and athlete by the name of Muhammad Ali made a decision that created tension and love from many people. He was given the name Cassius Marcellus Clay by a slave owner. He didn't like the name because he knew it was given by a white evil slave owner whom he did not want to be remembered. He changed his name as a way of peaceful protest for African American Rights. -
New York Race Riots
The New York race riots were some of the first violent ways of protest during this time. They began following the shooting of an African American man who was shot by a white police officer. People began breaking into stores and setting things on fire as well as fighting ih cops or others who disagreed with them. -
Martin Luther King Jr Murder
One of the most well known activist during the Civil Rights movement was Martin Luther King Jr. He was known for wanting integration and peace among all races. In 1968 he was brutally murdered by a white racist man. This caused an uprising by blacks and white Civil Right activists.