civil rights

  • the sit ins

    the congress of racial equality sponsored sit ins
  • brown vs. board of education of topeko

    racial discrimination was still going on long in america
  • montgomery bus boycott

    the black community of montgomery had organized a one day boycott of the city's bus line
  • little rock

    ordered one thousand paratroops of the 101st airborne division into little rock
  • freedom rides

  • the march on washington

    the march was for freedom and jobs
  • march in Birmingham, alabama

    to bring attention to blacks in Birmingham
  • civil rights act

    the act outlawed discrimination
  • 24th amendment

    the U.S. constitution prohibits congress an the states from establishing a poll tax
  • de jure vs de facto segregation

    separation of groups happens by act of law,the separation that is done because of tradition
  • voting rights act of 1965

    letting everyone vote not only whites
  • the march from Selma to Montgomery

    the protest march, down a 54 mile highway from Selma, Alabama to the capital of Montgomery, Alabama
  • race riots

    a public outbreak with an argument between two races