Plessy v Ferguson
In 1896, African American Homer Plessy sat in a railroad car reserved for whites and was atrrested when he refused to move to the "coloered railraod car. Prior to the arrest Louisiana passed a law allowing railroads to provide "separate but equal" facilities. In the Supreme Court He argued that his to "equal protection of the law" was violated. The court held that segregation was permitted if facilities were equal. Thus the "Jim Crow law of Louisiana" was declared consitutional by the court. -
Jackie Robinson
Brown v. Board of Education
In 1954, 8 year old Linda Brown was noot permitted to attend her neighborhood school because she was black.With the 14 amendment being unfolled, the supreme Court made a decision that changed life in the U.S. The Surpreme Court stated that segregation was a violation of the Equal Portection Clause, commenting that "In the field of public education the doctrine of "Separate but equal has no place..Segregation is a denial of equal protection of the law." -
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Montgomery bus Boycott
On Dec.1, 1955, 43 yr old Rosa Parks boarded a city bus. As the bus filled up, the bus driver instructed Parks and 3 other passengers stand in the back of the bus so a white man could be seated. The 3 complied; Parks refused. When she refused to move, the bus driver stopped the bus and called the police to arrest Parks. After her arrest many people planed a bus boycott. The bus boycott lasted a year till the suprerme court made the Montgomery city bus to abandon its policy of racial segregation. -
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
52 yr. old civil rights activist from New York Ella Baker approached Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with an idea forming an organization of black ministers to coordinate civil rights activites in the South. On Jan. 10 and 11, 1957, 65 black ministers from 11 southern states came to King's father's church in Atlanta, Georgia, to found the (SCLC). The group selected King as the SCLC's first president. SCLC quickly rose as the south most effective activist civil rights organization. -
Little Rock-Central High School
On Sept. 3, 9 African American students took their case before federal district Judge Ronald N. Davies. He order that the students be granted admission to the Little Rock Central School.On Sept. 9, 8 of the student approached the school as a group lead by NAACP president Daisy Bates while Elizebeth Eckford came alone. National Guardsmen blocked entrance while crowd shouted racist comment. On Sept. 24, Eisenhower authorized 11,500 soldiers to escort the Little Rock 9 to School. -
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Civil Rights Act Passed
When President Kennedy introducedhis civil rights bill into Congress on June 19, 1963, he knew that the bill being pass will be difficult. Both him and his brother Robert Kennedy worked everyday to secured a legislative majority. After J.F.K. died, Johnson try to have the bill. On February 10, 1964 the civil rights bill passed the House of Representatives, and on June 19, 1964 the bill passed the Senate. On July 2 President Johnson signed the bill into law -
Bombing in Birmingham
Just more than 2 weeks after the March on Washington, on Sept. 15, the U.Ss was brought back to the violent reality of Southern racial violence. astick of dynamite was thrown at a window in 16th St. Baptist Church and exploded. About 22 were wounded and injured while 4 died of the explosion. The people that died was Denise McNair(11), Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, and Addie Mae Collins(14) were attending Sunday school at the church. It was the 7th bombing in Birminghan in 6 month period -
Malcom X assassinated
Malcolm X was the most associated with concept of militant black action. In 1946 he was convinced of burglary and sent to prison. While in prison he encountered the NOI and became Muslim. After his release in 1952, he preached NOI's message in Harlem and was anointed by Elijah Muhammad. Later on he and Elijah had a misunderstanding, and after his pilgrimage, he criticize the NOI more. After the criticism he faced death threats and on Feb.14, 1965 he was shot and killed. -
Voting Rights Act Passed
In Aug. 6, 1965, The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was signed into law just 5 months after it was introduced. Under the act it banned literacy tests, poll taxes, education requirments and other aevices usedto prevent people of color from voting. 1 year African Americans voters rose rapidlly. By 1968 African American rose to 53% in Alabama, 60% in Louisiana, 44% in Mississippi. By 1970, more than 2/3 of African Americans could vote in the South. -
Black Panthers
The Black Panther Party was founded in 1966 in Oakland by 2 men, 24 yr old Huey Newton and 29 yr old Bobby Seale. BPP members were dedicated to countering police brutality and serving the community. They also provided free breakfast programs for children and the poor and free health clinics operated by the Panthers. By late 1968 the BPP established chapters in 25 cities and membership of several hundred people. -
King assassinated
Being disturbed by the violence in Memphis, he stayed until he can land a peaceful march. One April 3,1968, he order a gathering at Masonic Temple Church to talk about the death threats at him. On April 4 while him and his aid were joking around at a balcony of Lorraine Hotel, he was killed by an assassin. After his death many African American rioted in 125 cities. The riots lasted a week and 46 died, 3,000 injured, and 27,000 people arrested.