Why sit here and die
his speech tries to say that black people are equal and have right just like us -
Harriet tubman
Escaped slavery as a young kid. Worked as an underground railroad worker. She inspired people of hope -
what to the slave is fourth of july
The speech is about him talking about the freedom everyone has except for the slaves. It means nothing he says. He calls out for liberty and freedom -
The empancipation proclamation
Abraham issued this and it states that if you were a slave in the south that you are free. Made black men have jobs. Also helped ending dlavery across the world -
Lincoln's second Inuagural Address
He talks about what the Civil War did to the country and how we will reshpe us. Stands up for the slaves to give them freedom. Uges Americans to move forward from this -
Southern Horrors
This book states that Black people are getting accused of things they did not do. Getting treated harsh for being a slave. Stands up for racial violence -
WEB Du bois
Became director of publicity and research for the national Assoiciation for the advancement of colored people. FAced many issues of black Americans -
Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston
An African-American who is married to an abusive husband, she goes on to search for her self-identity. In the end, she is more independent and has more self-respect. -
A hardworking black women is beaten by her wife. He brings a rattle snake to tormet her. In the end she is an independent black women -
She refuses to give up her seat in the back of the bus. Stands up for racial injustice. Fights for all the Black people going through torment -
The Montgomery Bus boycott
A Civil rights protest that started with rosa Parks refusing to give up her spot on the bus. It was successful and helped launch Martin Luther Kings movement -
The Civil rights Act of 1963
It was a loaw that outlawed discrimination of black people. It helped end segragation and start something now. It heavily enforced this wich statarted the downfall of racism.