civil rights

By maeven0
  • Key

    ☮️ protest
    ❌ violence by the opposition
    ❎ achievement
    🔴 violence by protesters
    🔵 no violence
    🟣 court case
  • Emmit Till´s murder 🔴

    Emmett Till was a 14 year old boy who went down to visit his cousins in Mississipi. He went into a convenience store to buy a snack with Carolyn Bryant working Carolyn claims to have heard Emmett wolf whistle at her, which is a violation of the Jim Crow laws. Her husband later dragged him out of bed and made him carry a 75 pound fan to the bank of a river. Then they took his clothes and then beat him, gauged his eyes out, and then tied him to the fan with barbed wire and drown him.
  • montgomery bus boycott ☮️

    This boycott sparked because Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving her seat up to a white person. This was a 13-month-long boycott that severely affected the bus companies because black women were their main paying customers.
  • Founding of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference ❎

    60 black ministers and civil rights leaders met up in Georgia to replicate the success strategy that the Montgomery and Alabama bus boycotts had, to turn it into a successful strategy.
  • Little Rock Nine Crisis ❎ 🔴

    9 black high school students where chosen to integrate into an all-white highschool and where harrassed by huge groups of people.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957❎

    This authorized the right to prosecute anyone who stopped a United States citizen from voting.
  • Integration of the University of Mississippi 1962 ❎

    The Federal appeals court ordered the university to allow James Merideth a black student to apply to the university. When he arrived at the school mobs of 2,000 protested his arrival. He was an airforce veteran and wanted to be integrated into the all-white school. 2 people died in the protests.
  • March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom 1963 🔴❎

    It was a march in Washington D.C. with an estimated 250,000 people protesting to pass the Kennedys civil rights law. It was led by Martin Luther King Junior and is where his ¨I have a dream speech¨ took place.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964❎

    This act prohibited the discrimination of people based on race, sex, religion, and ethnicity. It also carried into work places, stores, and private businesses.
  • Heart of Atlanta Motel vs. US❎🟣

    This court case was to prevent the motel from discriminating against black people under the Commerce Clause. This case allowed the law to change so that private businesses couldn't discriminate against people purely based on race.
  • Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. 1968 🔴

    Martin Luther King Junior was shot while standing on his second-floor balcony at the Loraine Motel in Memphis, Tennesee. He was hit on the lower right side of his face because he was an active protester and an advocate leader in the civil rights movement. James Earl Ray shot him, and he was sentenced to 99 years in prison.
  • Swann vs. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools🟣

    This court case was held to create a system to desegregate the schools in the United States. The Supreme Court unanimously voted on busing programs that aimed to speed up the integration of schools. This out-ruled Brown vs. Board of Education.
  • Shirley Chisolm’s Presidential Campaign❎

    Shirley Chisolm was the first female and African American to run for president. She ran in 1972 got 430,703 votes and had the second most votes in the election. She ran for the democratic party, and in her campaign, she wanted nothing but peace and equality.
  • Hank Aaron’s Home Run Record❎

    Hank Aaron was an African American baseball player who played for the Braves. He beat Babe Ruthe's baseball record for home runs by hitting 755 home runs.
  • Barbara Jordan’s Address at the Democratic National Convention❎

    Barbara was a Texas congresswoman who delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention. Her speech was revolutionary, and she addressed that herself. In her speech, she acknowledges that she is the first black woman to deliver a keynote address at a major party convention, and she states that it would have been impossible even 10 years earlier.
  • University of California Regents vs. Bakke🟣

    This court case came to a mixed decision when deciding on the racial preferences for university and college admissions. This court case laid the groundwork and foundations for modern equality in education systems all over the country