Grassroots origin - community organizing and protests
Many movements and events in the Civil Rights movement originated from grassroots activities. Grassroots is defined as activities and movements that are community-driven. During the Civil Rights movement, the African American population was the community in question. Events such as protests and community organizing have originated from the grassroots. Often these events led to social change, engaging with lawmakers, and evoking emotion for a cause. -
Précis of the Speech
On this day MLK Jr. gave a speech called "A Creative Protest" This is where MLK Jr. became known for his direct non-violent speeches to confront the American government system about racism and equality. https://vmlk.chass.ncsu.edu/history-of-the-speech/timeline/ -
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
African Americans were fighting for equal job opportunities, wages, and freedom and joining the fight against segregation and racism. This is the day MLK jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech. https://www.jfklibrary.org/learn/education/teachers/curricular-resources/civil-rights-civic-action/timeline-civil-rights.