Brown V. Board of Education
Plessy V. Ferguson was a court case that allowed seperate but equal facilities. The problem was that black schools were not equal to white schools at any measure. Oliver Browns child got denied acess to one of Topeka Kansas' white schools so he put a case together against school segregation. His case was succesful and resulted in the Supreme Court outlawing school segregation. -
The Rev George Lee
Lee was killed for leading a voter registration drive in Beizoni Mississippi -
Lamar Smith
Smith was murdered for organizing black voters in BrookHaven Mississippi -
Emmet Louis Till
Till was murdered for speaking to a white women in Money Mississippi -
John Eatl Reese
John was slain by nightriders opposed to school improvements in Mayflower Texas -
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks, an african american women refused to stand and give a white man her seat on a public bus, where it was an adopted custom of requring black passengers to give their seats to white passangers. This act of defiance from Rosa led to her getting arrested, even though she had violated no laws and it spurred a city wide boycott in Montgomery Alabama. -
Boycott begins
The Montgomery bus boycott begins. -
Ban on segregated seating
The Supreme Court bans segregated seating on Montgomery buses. -
Willie Edwards
Willie is killed by Klansman in Montgomery Alabama. -
Civil rights act of 1957
Congress passes the first civil rights act since reconstruction. The law is passed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The act established the Civil Rights section of the Justice Department. -
Little Rock Arkansas
Nine black students enrolled in Central High, an all white public school in Little Rock Arkansas. The students were not accepted at the school and there were protests against them joining it. Their first day at Central High was met by cruel crowds saying horrible mean things and they couldnt even enter the school. Preisdent Eisenhower sent Federal troops to Central High to protect the students. -
President Eisenhower uses Federal Troops
Preisdent Eisenhower orders Federal troops to enforce school desegregation in Little Rock Arkansas -
Mack Charles Parker
Parker was taken from jail and lynched in Poplarville Mississippi -
The Sit-in
Black students stage a sit in at a " whites only" lunch counter in Greensbero North Carolina -
Freedom RIders are attacked
A group of people called the Freedom RIders were attacked in Alabama while testing compliance with bus desegregation laws. The Freedom RIders rode interstate buses into segregated southern states in the US to test the supreme courts ban on segregation on buses. The Congress of Racial Equality helped organize mnay of the Freedom Rides. Whites and Blacks were in the Freedom Riders. Whites who thought segregation was wrong would often join them. -
Herbert Lee
Herbert, a voter registration woker was killed by white legislator -
Voter registraion Drive
CIvil rights groups join forces to launch voter registration drive. -
CPL Roman Ducksworth Jr.
Roman was taken from the bus and killed by police in Tayforsville Mississippi. -
James Meridith enrolls at Ole Miss
James enrolled at an all white school Ole Miss. He was admitted but his admission was withdrawn when the shcool found out about his race. He filied a law suit for discrimination. The district court ruled against him but the case made its way to the Supreme Court where they ruled in his favor. -
Paul Guihard
Paul a french reporter was killed in an Ole Miss riot against James Meridith. -
William Lewis Moore
Slain during a one-man march against segregation in Artalla Alabama. -
Birmingham police attack children
Birmingham police attack marching children with dogs and fire hoses. -
George Wallace
Alabama governor Geroge Wallace stands in a schoolhouse door to stop university integration. -
Medgar Evers
Medgar was a civil rights leader from Mississippi who was invovled in efforts to overturn segregation at Ole Miss. Due to his position with the NAACP, Evers became a target for those who opposed racial equality. He and his family were prone to numerous threats and violent actions over the years. On June 12, 1963 Evers was shot in the back in the driveway of his home in Jackson. He died less than an hour later. -
March in Washington
250,000 Americans march in Washington for civil rights. -
Schoolgirls killed
Addie Mae Collins, Denise Mcnair, Carole Robertson, and Cynthia Wesley were all girls killed in the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham Alambama. -
Virgil Lamar Ware
Virgil was a youth killed during a wave of racist violence in Birmingham Alabama. -
Poll tax outlawed
Poll tax oulatwed in federal elections. -
The Rev. Bruce Klunder
Bruce was killed while protesting construcution of segregated schools in Cleveland Ohio. -
Henry Hezekhiah Dee and Charles Eddie Moore
These two men were killed by klansmen in Meadville Mississippi. -
Louis Allen
Witness to murder of civil rights workers assasinated in Liberty Mississippi. -
Freedom Summer
Freedom Summer brings 1,000 young civil rights volunteers to MIssissippi. -
Civil Rights wokers slain
James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Micheal Schwerner were civil rights workerrs that were abducted and slain by Kalnsmen in Philidalphia Mississippi. -
Ciivl Rights Act of 1964
Preisdent Johnson signs the civil rights act. It was a federal law that authorized federal action against segregation in public accommodations, public facilities, and employment. -
C.T Collumuel Penn
Penn is killed by klansmen while driving north in Colbert Georgia. -
Samuel Younge Jr.
Student civil rights activist killed in dispute in Tuskegee Alabama. -
Veron Dahmer
Black community leader killed in a Klan bombingin HAttiesburg Mississippi. -
Jimmie Lee Jackson
Jackson, a civil rights marcher is killed by state troop in Marion Alabama. -
The Rev. James Reeb
James was a march volunteer beaten to death in Selma Alabama. -
Voting Rights March
Thousands complete the Selma to Montgomery Voting Rights march. The march was organized to protest for african american voting rights. State and local men attacked them with clubs and tear gas and drove them back into Selma the first time they tried to march. Less than five months after this the Presisdent signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965. -
Viola Gregg Liuzzo
Killed by klansmen while transporting marchers on Selma Highway Alabama. -
Edmund Pettus Bridge
State troopers beat black marchers at Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma Alabama. -
Oneal Moore
Black deputy killed by nightriders in Varnado Louisiana. -
Ben Chester White
Ben is killed by klansmen. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Congress passes Voting rights act of 1965. -
Willie Brewster
Killed by nightriders in Anniston Alabama. -
Jonathen Daniels
Seminary student killed by deputy in Hayneville Alabama. -
Clarence Triggs
Triggs is slain by nightriders in Bogalusa Louisiana -
Wharlest Jackson
Civil rights leader killed after promotion to a white job in Natchez Mississippi. -
Benjamin Brown
Civil rights worker killed when police fired on protestors in Jackson Mississippi. -
Thurgood Marshall
Marshall was on the legal counsel for the NAACP helped the litigation that destroyed the legal issues. of Jim Crow segregation. He is sworn in as the first black Supreme Court justice. This is a huge deal for African American rights because the supreme court is a very high up postiton in law and Marshall could now help make decisions about other segregation cases. -
Students Killed
Samuel Hammond Jr., Delano Middleton and Henry Smith are killed when highway patrolmen fire on protestors in Orangeburg SC. -
MLK.JR Assasinated
The rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is assasinated in Memphis TN. He was killed while standing on a balcony outside his room at the Lorraine Motel, Martin Luther King Jr. was struck by a sniper's bullet. He was shot by James Earl Ray. This was a huge deal to the civil rights movements becase MLK was such a huge icon and influence in this community.