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Civil Rights

  • Keys V. Carolina Coach

    Keys V. Carolina Coach
    Sarah Key Evans was riding on a state-to-state bus and refused to give up her seat, which promoted the landmark court case. The Interstate Commerce Commission outlawed segregation against African Americans traveling across the state line. Protest / Legislation/Supreme Court Case
  • Emmett Tills Murder

    Emmett Tills Murder
    Emmett Till was accused by a local white woman of physically harassing her in the store after he catcalled her. Soon after he was accused, the woman's relatives abducted, killed, and disposed of his body in a nearby river. Violence by Opposition
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Montgomery Bus Boycott was a civil rights protest in which African Americans refused to ride the bus (African Americans made up 75% of the ridership on the buses). They did this as a massive nonviolent protest, which protested segregated seating. Protest / Achievement
  • The Little Rock Nine Crisis

    The Little Rock Nine Crisis
    A group of nine African American students enrolled in Little Rock Central High School. The president deemed all schools to be segregated. But the governor did not want that, so he got the national guard to stop African American students from entering the high school. Soon after the governor was made to allow segregation in the school. Legislation/Supreme Court Case / Achievement
  • Cooper V. Aaron

    Cooper V. Aaron
    Because of the decision made by the Brown V board, this case denied Little rock the privilege of suspending the integration of public schools for 30 months. Legislation/Supreme Court Case
  • Greensboro Sit-In

    Greensboro Sit-In
    The Greensboro sit-in was a civil rights protest, where African American students planned a sit-in at a segregated Woolworth's lunch counter, after being denied service. Once word got out about the sit-in, it soon spread to colleges all over the south. Violence by Opposition
  • Freedom Rides

    Freedom Rides
    The freedom riders were a group of black and white bus riders. Riding on many buses together in an attempt to end segregation and force President Kennedy to make the south listen to the law to end segregation. They were beaten multiple times by racists in an attempt to end their protest. Protest
  • Albany Campaign

    Albany Campaign
    The Albany Campaign was an attempt to end all racial segregation in the city. The focus of the protest was to attempt to desegregate all travel facilities. No Violence
  • Malcolm X's Assassanation

    Malcolm X's Assassanation
    Malcolm X was a civil rights activist, Muslim minister, and human rights activist, who led many protests against racism and segregation. He was killed by rival black Muslims while addressing an organization he created in NYC. Violence by Opposition
  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s Assassination

    Martin Luther King Jr.'s Assassination
    MLK Jr., a vital role model in the civil rights movement and in history, was killed by a single gunshot while standing on a balcony of a hotel in TN. His assassination led to outbursts across the nation from people fighting for civil rights, angry that he was killed. Violence by Opposition
  • Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

    Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
    This was the fourteenth amendment that allows children of all races to cross district school lines, which was an attempt to further the desegregation of schools. This amendment made it illegal or unconstitutional to segregate schools. Legislation/Supreme Court Case
  • Shirley Chisholm Presidential Campaign

    Shirley Chisholm Presidential Campaign
    Shirley Chisholm was the first African American to be a congresswoman. She gave an equal rights speech to provide federal protection and override any state law that might perpetuate discrimination. Achievement
  • Hank Aarons Home Run Record

    Hank Aarons Home Run Record
    Hank Aarons broke Babe Ruth's home run record with a 755 home run career. Not only did he break the record he also was the African American baseball icon who spoke out against racism in major leagues and broke racial barriers. He “broke the color barrier” by being one of the first integrated minor league teams. No Violence/ Achievement
  • Equality Act of 1974

    Equality Act of 1974
    The equality act was an update on the current civil rights laws for the 21st century, which prohibited discrimination against sex, marital status, and sexual orientation in public places. This law is also protected under color of state law. Legislation/Supreme Court Case
  • Barbra Jordan's Speech at the Democratic National Convention

    Barbra Jordan's Speech at the Democratic National Convention
    Barbra Jordan was the first African American to be elected to the Texas state senate, which made history. Her speech stated that “My faith in the constitution is whole, it is complete, it is total.” She said this in her thirteen-minute-long speech defending the constitution and fighting for civil and human rights. No Violence