Dr. Ralph Bunche wins the 1950 Nobel Peace Prize.
University of Virginia admits a black student to its law school.
The home of Harry and Harriette Moore is bombed by the KKK. Both die of injuries.
A Federal Court ruling upholds segregation in SC public schools.
Another federal court upholds segregated education laws in Virginia.
Eleven black students attend the first day of school at Claymont High School, Delaware, becoming the first black students in the 17 segregated states to integrate a white public school.
US Supreme Court strikes down segregation in Washington, DC restaurants.
Executive Order 10479 signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower establishes the anti-discrimination Committee on Government Contracts.
Student demonstrations take place against integration of Washington, DC public schools.
Desegregation of U.S. Armed Forces said to be complete.
Georgia Board of Education orders that any teacher supporting integration be fired.
A Federal Appeals Court overturns segregation on Columbia, SC buses.
90 black leaders in Montgomery, Alabama are arrested for leading a bus boycott.
Integrated athletic or social events are banned in Louisiana.
Georgia Senate votes to declare the 14th and 15th Amendments to the US Constitution null and void in that state.
The finance minister of Ghana is refused service at a Dover, Delaware restaurant. President Eisenhower hosts him at the White House to apologize Oct. 10
Bethel Baptist Church (Birmingham, Alabama) is bombed by Ku Klux Klan members.
13 blacks arrested for sitting in front of bus in Birmingham.
A high school in Arlington, VA desegregates, allowing four black students.
Dr. King speaks for the integration of schools at a rally of 26,000 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.