Civil Rights

  • Brown vs. The Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

    -Involved African Americans and white students
    -All schools had segregation laws in public schools
    -The outcome of the event led to desegregation of the schools
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    -Involved African Americans and Rosa Parks
    -Political and Social protest campaign against the policy of racial segregation of the public transit system. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white woman.
    -The outcome of this event led to the Supreme Court ruling segregation on public buses was unconstitutional.
  • Little Rock Nine

    -Involved a group of nine African American students
    -The nine students were enrolled into all white schools, and were bullied about their race
    -The outcome of this event led to several of the nine students to have distinguished careers.
  • Sit-Ins

    -Involved African Americans including Martin Luther King Jr.
    -African American students staged a sit in at segregated Woolworths lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina and refused to leave after being denied service.
    -The outcome of this event led to many protesters to be arrested, but their actions made an immediate and lasting impact, Woolworths and other establishments to change their segregation policies.
  • Freedom Riders

    -Involved groups of white and African American civil rights activists
    -They tried to use ¨whites only¨ restrooms, lunch counters, and bus stations
    -The outcome of this event led to many being arrested, but it also led to hundreds of new riders.
  • Birmingham Demonstrations

    -Involved African American high school students
    -It was a peaceful walk of high school students, until they were sprayed with high pressure water jet from a fire hose.
    -The outcome of this event led to the students winning the protest they were waling for.
  • March on Washington

    -Involved African Americans including Martin Luther King Jr.
    -A massive protest, 250,000 people, the event aimed to draw attention to continuing challenges and inequalities faced by African Americans a century after emancipation.
    -The outcome of this event led to African Americans to receive the rights they fought long and extremely hard for.