Civil Rights

  • Period: to

    Civil Rights

  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean War would be a political event because our government had help out our allies (south Korea). We had to send some supplies over to their country to help them out.
  • Brown vs. Board of Educaton Topeka

    Brown vs. Board of Educaton Topeka
    It is a political event. Linda Brown was not allowed to attend an all white school in Topeka, Kansas. It is a political event because the government would not let her go to school.
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    It is an economic event because the law said that African Americans have to give up there seats on teh bus for white people. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white person, and she was arrested. Other African Americans were inspired by what she did and continued the bus boycott.
  • The Little Rock 9

    The Little Rock 9
    This was a social event becuase these children were not allowed to enter the school even though it was integrated ( allows every race). The 9 students would be attending the school and the whites were not happy about it and wee waiting by the door to taunt and beat them up when they came to schol.
  • Alaska and Hawaii

    Alaska and Hawaii
    This is an economic event becuase it would bring in more money and land to the United States. Adding new states would boost up the U.S. economy.
  • greensboro 5

    greensboro 5
    It is a social event because the African American race was not allowed to eat with whites. The five black boys sat down at a white only table and were waiting to be served and refused to give up thir seats.
  • Civil rights leader protest in Birmingham, Alabama

    Civil rights leader protest in Birmingham, Alabama
    It is a political event because the leaders that led the protest are the government leaders.
  • John F. Kennedy assasination

    John F. Kennedy assasination
    he JFK assasination was a political event because the president of the United States was killed.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    Martin Luther King Jr. assination would be a social event becuase he was fighting to change rights of the African American people.
  • Neil Armstrong Walks on the Moon

    Neil Armstrong Walks on the Moon
    Neil Armstrong walking on the moon would be an economic event becuase many other countries were trying to get there first, and it brought in a lot of money and also cost a lot of money to get him there.
  • roe vs. wade

    roe vs. wade
    It is a social event because it legalized abortion.
  • 9/11

    This event was political because terrorist flew two planes into twin towers killing serveral people.
  • Obama elected president

    Obama elected president
    This a political event because the U.S. had elected the very first African American president.
  • Apple Ipad indroduction

    Apple Ipad indroduction
    It is a social event because a Ipad is used for social media. This invention makes it easier for people to stay in touch.
  • oil spill in Gulf of Mexico

    oil spill in Gulf of Mexico
    This is a economic event becuase it hurt the fishing industries for gulf coast states, and lost bussiness.