Civil Right Movement Timeline

  • What are two things they are fighting for?

    What are two things they are fighting for?
    Brown vs Board of education was fighting for, Equal right for all black kids to attend school. Also fighting for the separate but not equal.
  • When did this group first start demanding justice/civil rights?

    When did this group first start demanding justice/civil rights?
    In 1952 was the first verdict of the Brown vs Board of education.
  • Who are three key individuals that were actively participatory in this group’s fight for justice? Explain each of their contributions to the group’s cause

    Who are three key individuals that were actively participatory in this group’s fight for justice? Explain each of their contributions to the group’s cause
    Thurgood Marshall who was involved in the NAACP
    Linda who was Browns Daughter
    Governor Orval Faubus of Arkansas
  • What were the outcomes of this group’s efforts?

    What were the outcomes of this group’s efforts?
    Brown v. Board of Education marked a turning point in the history of race relations in the United States. The Court stripped away constitutional sanctions for segregation by race, and made equal opportunity in education the law of the land.