
  • The 19th Amend

    The 19th Amend
    The 19th amendment was passed in June of 1919. This finally gave women the right to vote, though they still had some harships ahead.
  • Korematsu v U.S.

    Korematsu v U.S.
    Fred Korematsu believed that the espoinage act voilated his rights as a citizen but the supreme court ruled that it was completely constitutional.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    An African American woman, Rosa Parks refused to give her seat up to a white man even when told that she had to, This sparked many civil rights movements around the country.
  • Bailey V Patterson

    Bailey V Patterson
    This Court case stated that public transportation devices could not be seperated.
  • Jones V Mayer CO

    Jones V Mayer CO
    This court case stated that congress could regulate the sale of private property in order to prevent recaial discrimination.
  • Roe V Wadw

    Roe V Wadw
    Monumantal court case. Congress decided that Ut was indeed the womens right to have an abortion,
  • Lau V Nichols

    Lau V Nichols
    A civil case brought by Chinese students living in San Francisco who claimed they werent being helped in school due to their inability to speak english. The supreme court eventually ruled in favor of the chinese students.
  • Romer V evans

    Romer V evans
    This Case was in colorado where the state government stated that gays didnt have the same rights as heterosexual people. Congreess ruled not in favor of the state saying that it had nothing to do with the states interests.
  • Bragdon V abbot

    Bragdon V abbot
    Sidney Abbot was refusrd by a dentist because she was HIV positive and sued the dentist because she claimed discrimination. The court ruled in favor of abbot
  • Sutton V united airlines

    Sutton V united airlines
    The Sutton twins suffer from visual myopia and sued American airlines after they failed to hire them because of this. The supreme court uled in favor of the company.
  • Pride Events

    Pride Events
    Events are held every once in ahile for people to celebrate their secualty. While, some people may be againts it, it is completely legal under the constitution.
  • Pro Life Marches

    Pro Life Marches
    Poeple can march for what they belive in, some people belive in the Pro Life movement whicj is trying to end abortion.