
Civics Timeline Assignment

  • Shooting of Amadou Diallo

    Shooting of Amadou Diallo
    On Feburary 4th, an unarmed man, Amadou Diallo, an immagrant fro West Africs, was approached by four plainsclothes officers outside of his apartment in the Bronx. The officers thought that Diallo had a weapon, and fired 41 shots, killing him. This event is significant because it sparked widespread protests against police brutality and racism, and also created dialogue on racism in the government. The mayor of New York, Rudolph Guiliani, comes under heated fire as more citizens demand change.
  • Birth of Elizabeth

    Birth of Elizabeth
    At around 5:30 in the morning, Elizabeth, as well as her twin sister, Victoria, came into the world. This was very significant and forever changed the way Elizabeth saw the world. Her parents never told either twin which was older, choosing instead to enjoy their daughters fight over seniority.
  • Vermont Creates and Legalizes Same-Sex Civil Unions

    Vermont Creates and Legalizes Same-Sex Civil Unions
    On April 25th, Vermont becomes the first state to legalize civil unions for same-sex couples. The legislation was passed after the Vermont Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples were "being unconstitutionally denied the rights and benefits of marriage." This event is significant because it created a stepping stone towards legalizing gay marriage, not only in Vermont, but in the United States as a whole. Marriage would provide same-sex couples benefits like hospital visitation and insurance.
  • 9/11 Attacks

    9/11 Attacks
    On Septerber 11th, the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were attacked by a group of terrorists and hit with airplanes. Over 3,000 people died. This day set in to motion a series of widespread governmental changes, like the creation of the TSA, Dept. of Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, as well as American involvement in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Middle East as a part of the "war on terror."
  • Elizabeth's Adenoidectomy

    Elizabeth's Adenoidectomy
    At about age 3 1/2, Elizabeth had been dealing with frequent ear and sinus problems, including infection. After a medical examination, it was determined that she would have to have her adenoids removed. There was only one problem: the anesthesia would be given by injection. After a minor meltdown, Elizabeth proceeded into the operating room, wherein she woke up during the operation. This event led to a deep-seated fear of needles that lasted for at least 9 years.
  • Bush's Medicare Reform Passed

    Bush's Medicare Reform Passed
    President Bush signs the $400 billion Medicare Perscription Drug Modernization Act.The main focus of the act is to provide more affordable perscription drugs for senior citizens, while encouraging private sector competition with Medicare to lower drug costs.This act is significant because it was the first time private companies were given means to compete with Medicare, and because seniors were given a greater say in their perscription choice.It is the largest change to Medicare since its birth.
  • Reelection of George Bush

    Reelection of George Bush
    Bush won the 2004 election with a 51% majority vote, unlike his first election. The highest numbers of voters since 1968, around 60% of eligible voters, voted. This event is significant because it set in to motion Bush's policies on foreign affairs, terrorism, and views in general. The outcome of the close vote showed what took presedence among Americans; Bush championed the "war on terror" and offense in the Middle East, while Kerry focused on unemployment and healthcare.
  • Hurricane Katrina Strikes the Gulf Coast

    Hurricane Katrina Strikes the Gulf Coast
    The most destructive storm in U.S. history,Hurricane Katrina killed around 1,833 people,and cost about $108 billion dollars.Katrina is significant because of the government's response to it.Local, state, and national governments all came under scrutiny after the storm;poor education of evacuation routes and protocol,failing levees, and a slow response were all blamed.Many felt their government had failed them.Katrina was a learning experience;past mistakes prepared the government for Sandy.
  • The Belka Family Adopts Belle

    The Belka Family Adopts Belle
    After years of persuasion, Elizabeth's father finally agreed to adopt a puppy. Belle, a golden lab, was adopted because she was the friendliest and most curious. Elizabeth knew that they had adopted the perfect companion when, on the drive back home, they had to pull over on the highway so that Belle could go to the bathroom. To this day, Belle remains the best dog in Abington. She is significant because of the love and support she gives to Elizabeth, especially during exam season.
  • Democrats Gain Control of Congress

    Democrats Gain Control of Congress
    A major factor in the results was the war in Iraq; Americans who opposed Bush's actions in the Middle East took to the polls and voted for Democrats, who would push for an end in the war.A democratic Congress at odds with the President will make passing laws and implementing policies harder.This is also important because it it the Consitiution in action today; the staggered elections allow citizens to have a say in governmental actions no matter the term period.
  • Nancy Pelosi Becomes the First Female Speaker of the House

    Nancy Pelosi Becomes the First Female Speaker of the House
    Nancy Pelosi became the first female Speaker of the House by a 233-202 vote.In 2007, 16% of the House was women; today, 19% are.However, about 50% of U.S. population is female.Women are discouraged from doing work that is traditionally "male", and are less likely to run for office.This
    event is imporatant becuase it shows the trend of Congress becoming more diverse, and reflecting America's demographics.A diverse and multi-cultural nation needs lawmakers and representatives just as diverse.
  • Elizabeth's Mole is Removed

    Elizabeth's Mole is Removed
    Elizabeth has a history of skin cancer on both sides of her family, so it was no surprise to her parents when her dermatologist asked to remove a mole on her arm. When news came back that she would have to have actual surgery on the mole to completely remove it and test for cancer, Elizabeth lost it, because she thought that she actually had cancer. The surgery is significant because it represents a period of time where Elizabeth was eniterly consumed with fear but kept moving forward anyways.
  • Elizabeth Takes Up Viola

    Elizabeth Takes Up Viola
    Elizabeth started playing viola through her elementary school. The viola turned out to be an excellent decision, and led Elizabeth to excell in music. She eventually became first chair throughout middle and high school, andthis year she is participating in the Chamber, MONTCO, and District Orchestra auditions. Playing the viola helped Elizabeth meet her best friend, who plays the violin, and provided her with an outlet for stress and frustration, which she encounters on a daily basis.
  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

    Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
    The main goals of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act include extending coverage of uninsured Americans, stopping companies from denying patient coverage because of pre-existing conditions, lowering healthcare costs, and improving industry effiecency. This event is important because it created many opportunities and for the uninsured to get insured, which saves money and potentially lives. This bill was also highly contested by Republicans, and deepend the divide between the parties.
  • Assassination of Osama bin Laden

    Assassination of Osama bin Laden
    Osama bin Laden was the head of the terrorist group Al-Quaeda, which claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attacks. The attacks propted Bush's "war on terror", which Obama inherited. Not only was the death of bin Laden a milestone in the war because of the blow to Al Qaeda and other anti-American groups, it unified the enitre country against terrorism. However, some say that American involvement further fanned the flames of terrorism; this event was followed by the rise of ISIS.
  • Elizabeth's Knee Problems Begin

    Elizabeth's Knee Problems Begin
    One fateful day at the beach, Elizabeth decided to go out in the ocean. However, a particularly huge wave completely knocked her out and washed her ashore, where she discovered that she had dislocated her knee.This was the start of Elizabeth's growth-spurt-related knee problems. In seventh and ninth graade, she dislocated her knee during class. Even after physical therapy, it continued to bother her, and even today it is weak, which prevents Elizabeth from running, a sport that she loves.
  • Elizabeth's First Day at the Junior High

    Elizabeth's First Day at the Junior High
    Elizabeth's first day of seventh grade was significant not only because she started a new school and disovered some of greatest friends, but because it was the first day she had Spanish class. Right away, she recognized her natural ability with languages. In the least weird way possible, she fell in love with the language. She studied advanced material and continued learning into the summer. Spanish gave Elizabeth a purpose- and a plan for her future. She plans to study Lingusitics and Spanish.
  • Elizabeth's First Concert

    Elizabeth's First Concert
    Oddly enough, Elizabeth's first concert was when she was 14.It was for a boyband (5 Seconds of Summer), and Elizabeth went with some of her closest friends. It was significant, not only because it was unforgettable, but because it was the first time she truly felt like an adult, even though her mother was a maximum 2 feet away at any given time. Seeing a band that seemed inaccessible suddenly become so tangible and real is an amazing experience. It is one of Elizabeth's happiest memories.
  • Elizabeth Receives the Congressional Bronze Award

    Elizabeth Receives the Congressional Bronze Award
    The Congressional Award is an award of three parts: personal development, physical activity, and service. For the bronze award, Elizabeth needed 80 hours of personal development and physical activity and 100 hours of service over a 7 month period. The process of acheiving the medal taught Elizabeth about time managemnet, goal setting, and sacrifices. Elizabeth also became an active part in her community, and discovered a passion for service, as well as many new friends.
  • Elizabeth Enters the District Spanish Competition

    Elizabeth Enters the District Spanish Competition
    After studying advanced Spanish material, Elizabeth consulted her Spanish teacher and applied for a Spanish competition that included one student per grade in several schools in and around the district. Although she was not one of the two finalists for her level, the experience taught Elizabeth about dedication and passion for learning, and inspired her to continue learning and speaking Spanish as often as possible.She learned that she could still enjoy something without being the absolute best.