
cival war17580

By mt17580
  • Period: to

    cival war

  • Four More States Join the Confederacy

    Four More States Join the Confederacy
    The attack on Fort Sumter encouraged 4 more states to join the Confederacy. With Virginia Richmond was named the Confederate capitol. Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri
  • Bull run Battle

    Bull run Battle
    the battle where McDowell attacked on July 21, and was succecful but it resulted in the south winning the battle first battle run
  • The Battle of Shiloh

    The Battle of Shiloh
    southern forces attacked the north under General Ulysses S. Grant at Shiloh By the end of the day the federal troops were almost defeated. southern troops were going to run. 13,000 out of 63,000 Union soldiers died, and 11,000 of 40,000 Confederate troops were killed.
  • attack on seven pines

    attack on seven pines
    [ battle at seven pines]( army attacked the federal forces at seven pines. they almost won but then the north showd up all last minute about and was able to stop the attack
  • Seven Day Battle

    Seven Day Battle
    seven day battle the conferates fought like several battles between the union.
  • 2nd battle bull run

    2nd battle bull run
    2nd battle bullrun General john pope was defeated the second bull run battle. the north once agian lost the bull run
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    when Lincoln was trying to promote the end of slavery in america. Any people who are slaves within in the designated states shall be free.
  • The First Conscription Act

    The First Conscription Act
    an act was passed making all men between the ages of 20 and 45 forced to do military service. if you pay a certian amount of money the u dnt have to go. The act was seen as unfair to the poor and so people started riots in New York City.
  • The Battle of Chancellorsville

    The Battle of Chancellorsville
    Union General Hooker attacked General Lee's forces giving the South a victory but it was the south's most costly victory eva
  • The Battle of Chickamauga

    The Battle of Chickamauga
    north and south army met on the border of Tennessee and Georgia. After the battle north army dipped back to Chattanooga and the south took all the control of the battlefield
  • The Battle of Chattanooga

    The Battle of Chattanooga
    On november 23-25 north army pushed southern troops away from Chattanooga and the victory set the stage for general sherman's atlanta.
  • Grant's Wilderness Campaign

    Grant's Wilderness Campaign
    General Grant was promoted to commander of the north army North and South met and fought in a three day battle in the Wild Lee inflicted more casualties on the Union forces than his own army but unlike Grant he had no replacements.
  • Sothern Troops Approach Washington D.C.

    Sothern Troops Approach Washington D.C.
    sotherner General Jubal Early took his army into Maryland to take out lee's army. Early got pretty far into washington D.C. but on July 13 he was forced back to virginia. his plan has faildd.
  • Abraham Lincoln Is Re-Elected

    Abraham Lincoln Is Re-Elected
    Abraham Lincoln was re-elected as president. Lincoln ran against democratic candidate George B McClellan. his old general. On november 8 Lincoln won by over 400,000 popular votes and also won thee electoral majority votes...
  • The Assassination of President Lincoln

    The Assassination of President Lincoln
    President Lincoln was watching a performance and he was shot by John Wilkes Booth. so the what he was going to do couldnt happen
  • The Fall of the Confederacy

    The Fall of the Confederacy
    Transportation problems caused shortages of food and supplies in the South. Starving soldiers began to desert Lee's forces and although President Jefferson Davis approved the arming of slaves.
  • End of the Cival War

    End of the Cival War
    Finally the Civil War ended with the surrender of the Confederate army. 617,000 Americans had died in the war Thousands had been injured. the wholee land in the south was completly destroyed