
cival rights

  • Brown vs board of education

    Brown vs board of education
    I think the the Plessy v. Ferguson decission made in 1896, was so important because it overturned by the supreme court, saying seperate educational buldings were inherently unequal.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycotts

    Montgomery Bus Boycotts
    I think Boycotts of the 1955 bus incident was 2 most important becauseThe Boycotts were done in protest of segregated public transpotation systems. It started with Rosa Parks in 1955, to 1956, when the supreme court ruled segregated buses unconstitution which made a big impact on society
  • southern Manifesto

    southern Manifesto
    my 8th to my 10 11 southern mn of congress establisihed this "manifesto" to go agaisnt the board of education
  • litle rock crisis

    this was my 7th important because african american boysa were no allowed to inrollinto school so the government stepped in to stop it and show
  • sit ins

    sit ins
    the sit ins were th 6th most important to me because they were done to protest segregated food places. and they stood out
  • Boyton Vs virginia

    9 supreme court ruled that segration onwaiting rooms and interstate buses was illegal
  • Freedom rides

    Freedom rides
    The first freedom ride was on May 4 1961. The freedom rides took place to test the bus riding segregation laws in southern states.
  • JFK assassination

    JFK assassination
    in a visit to Dallas, president Jfk was shot and killed by Lee Harvy Oswald
  • The Civil rights act of 1964

    The Civil rights act of 1964
    This is the 4th most important because Presedent Johnson signed the act that prohibits discrimination of all kinds.
  • March on washington

    March on washington
    I think this is the 3 most important event because 200,000 people join the congregation ath the Lincoln memorial. Where Martin L. King jr. gave the I have a dream speach