Th (2)

The Citizens Without a Country

  • WW1

    Treaty of Sevres, signed by the defeated Ottoman government, provides for a Kurdish state, subject to the agreement of the League of Nations. Article 64 of the Treaty gives Kurds living in the Mosul vilayet the option of joining a future independent Kurdistan.
  • Period: to

    Of Time and Prejudice

  • The Great Division

    Kurds are divided among Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria.
  • Civilization Revolution

    Kurds revolt creating Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP), Iraq quells revolt, this continues for some time.
  • The Spoils of War

    A peace agreement is signed between the Iraqi government and the Kurds of northern Iraq, granting them some self-rule.
  • The Kurdish Genocide

    Iraq retaliates against the Kurds for supporting Iran during the Iran-Iraq war, and through the "al-Anfal" ("spoils of war") campaign, slaughters thousands of civilians and uproots 1.5 million from their homes. Thousands flee to Turkey.
  • Progress

    The Kurds join U.S. and British forces in defeating Saddam Hussein's regime. Four Kurds are appointed by the U.S. to the Iraqi Governing Council, including Barzani and Talabani.
  • Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

    President Barzani announces plans for an independence referendum later in the year, saying that independence is a "natural right".