

  • Period: to

    Growth of Cities

  • Bessemer Method

    Bessemer Method
    The Bessemer Method for processing steel from iron is invented, making the metal cheaper and easier to make.
  • Lightbulb

    First public demonstration of Edison's electric lightbulb
  • Brooklyn Bridge

    Brooklyn Bridge
    The Brooklyn Bridge is finished after 13 years of construction.
  • Home Insurance Building

    Home Insurance Building
    The first modern skyscraper opened in Chicago, Illinois
  • James Edward B. Allen is born

  • Armin Landeck is born

  • Leon Gilmour is born

  • Model T

    Model T
    Henry Ford's first Model T is created with the use of his assembly line.
  • Leonard Pytlak is born

  • Stock Market crashes

  • Great Depression begins

  • Empire State Building

    Empire State Building
    The 102-story Empire State Building in New York City is completed.
  • C.W.A. is established.

    The Civil Works Asministration help build bridges, schools, hospitals, airports and repair roads and highways.
  • The Connectors

    The Connectors
    James E. Allen etched this picture of two men working on a skyscraper.
  • Manhattan Vista

    Manhattan Vista
    Armin Landeck finished his drypoint of Manhattan.
  • W.P.A. established

    The Work Projects Administration helped employ people during the Great Depression including thousands of artists.
  • Cement Finishers

    Cement Finishers
    Eood engraving by Leon Gimour
  • Great Depression ends

  • Foundry

    Screen printing by Leonard Pytlak