CIS105: Technology Use Progression Timeline

By ASPrat
  • Red Book CD-DA

    Red Book CD-DA
    Philips and Sony's taskforce, led by Kees Schouhamer Immink and Toshitada Doi, publish a compact disk that reads visual and audio content with a laser. While first launched in 1980, it became the international standard in 1987. Their research on laser and optical disc technology revolutionized how information could be stored and read.
  • Period: to

    Technology experiencing commercial success in 1980s

  • Walkman

    Under SONY, Akio Morita and team moved forward with the worldwide distribution of the Walkman. While they were developed in 1979, they began commercial distribution in 1980. This invention changed the way that audio products were consumed.
  • Camcorder

    Sony developed the first camcorder and released the first consumer camcorder. The first consumer camcorder was named, Betamovie BMC-100P, and while clunky with limited functions, opened the doors for individuals to have access to automated recording tools.
  • Microsoft Word

    Microsoft Word
    Spring 1983, the first version of Microsoft Word was developed and launch. Developed by by Charles Simonyi and Richard Brodie, this was one of the first word processors to be sold on CD with a magazine, changing how software is distributed to the public.
  • Fujifilm Disposable Camera - Quicksnap

    Fujifilm Disposable Camera - Quicksnap
    Fujifilm develops and launches disposable cameras called the Quicksnap line which opened doors for photography on a commercial level. While other companies were already producing disposable cameras, this line made them commercial and birthed the common disposable camera which was in current use up through the 2000s.