CIS105 Technology Timeline

  • Steve Jobs/Apple release the Apple II computer.

    Jobs launches the world's first commercially available personal computer, which in turn breaks ground for more companies to innovate and construct improved home computers. This also paved the way for devices such a laptops, which of course wouldn't turn up until decades later.
  • Jobs introduces McIntosh.

    On January 24th, 1984, just a couple of days after the legendary 1.5 million dollar, Ridley Scott directed McIntosh advertisement graced television screens across the nation, Jobs officially launched McIntosh. McIntosh became the first successful small computer with a graphical user interface.
  • Apple CEO Jobs shifts the computer market with the iMac.

    On May 6th, 1998, Apple successfully launches their brand new and later iconic super computer called the iMac, Apple's computer for the new millennium. The Mac became the birthplace of Microsoft Office and made pointing portable, among other things.
  • The iPod is launched.

    Apple formally launched it's first generation iPod on October 23rd, 2001. The portable music device set off the market for people craving to have music available to them whether they're on the go or just don't feel like having piles of CD's and records lying around.
  • Jobs reinvents the cellphone.

    The first iPhone is officially introduced to the public, marking an event that will change the way society not only interacts with technology, but how they interact with themselves and others. Jobs 'iPhone', becomes the first true smartphone and creates a new corner of the phone market globally.