CIS 105

  • Human Genome Project

    Started in 1990 and completed in 2003, this project mapped the human genome and has enhanced our understanding of how/why diseases and other human attributes occur. It has, arguably, revolutionized medicine.
  • Period: to


  • Webcam

    The first webcam is used at Cambridge University, invented by James Quentin and Paul Jardetzky. Hello, Zoom conference calls!
  • Simon smartphone

    IBM released their first smartphone, albiet as a concept, called Simon. Simon says, that was a good call.
  • Java

    Java supplants C++ starting in 1995, invented by James Gosling. Not as good as coffee but for sure a key componant of websites.
  • Bluetooth

    Named after Danish king Harold Bluetooth it was made a standard protocol in collaboration between Ericsson, Nokia, IBM, Toshiba, and Intel. Fun fact: the Bluetooth logo is Harold's name in runes.